Thursday, December 26, 2019

Participating in team sports helps to develop good...

Do team sports really help to develop good character? Do you agree or not? Well, that seems to be an interesting question. A vast number of people will agree with this statement, while others have so many conflicts regarding about this. I believe that there are ways numbers of merits comparable to demerits. Participating means engaging or taking part in an activity. The word TEAM can be expressed to mean Together Everyone Achieves More. Character defines what a person is, how a person interacts with others. Even the good character involves courage, honesty, compassion, generosity, fidelity, fairness, self-control and prudence. Scholars define character as an individual’s internal state that manifests itself in one’s behavior.†¦show more content†¦That reveals that sports and games are really imperative for human body and health. Health is wealth and if a person loses health than that person surely will be left in mental work. As we know sound body has a sound mind. Furthermore team sports teach the value of responsibility. The punctuality must be maintained in practice and sports. Punctuality which requires time management to be present at a specific time. The people those who disagree believe that due to the participation of a team sports adults cannot get enough time to put afford on their studies and to do other vital tasks of life. As they have to give more Imperativeness toward the sports, and trying to be punctual to play sports will lead to irresponsibility’s for their studies. Means that there would be a higher probability to achieve a poor result. In addition to team sports develop interpersonal skills. They teach juveniles, adults and even old people, how to communicate with others. Team sports also teach conflict resolution skills. When two players having disagreed with a plan, causing an altercation. Eventually they have to work simultaneously to come to reconciliation that satisfies each other. The people those who c ontradict believe that being an individual is far better as that person do not have to argue with others. So, he or she can take their own notions to achieve the goal. Team sports help with teamwork, sportsmanship and creatingShow MoreRelatedThe Importance of Team sports in Child Development751 Words   |  3 Pagesalso want their kids to develop a good structural foundation of social skills and behavioral skills. What a better way for these parents children to develop these skills then putting them through team sports. The saying has always been that there is no I in team, and that is so an individual does not possess the need to care about oneself and puts his team ahead of himself. Team stands for, Together Everyone Achieves More. With this being said, participating as a team, this encourages an individualRead MoreSports Are Good For Children1330 Words   |  6 Pages Organized Sports are Good for Children As time passes and as technology is advancing, the tradition of playing outside is diminishing rapidly. Many people concentrate on their electronic devices in their ages as early as three. Sports are the most effective way that children express their joyfulness and brilliance. It provides children advantages of physical activities, confidence, and enjoyment. Participating in organized sports in early ages can produce the greatest results for children. OrganizedRead MoreThe Effects Of Organized Sports On Children1332 Words   |  6 PagesOrganized Sports are Good to Children As the time pass, and as the technology is advancing rapidly, the tradition of playing outside is diminished rapidly. Many people are concentrating on their electronic devices in ages early as three. 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Physical education is just one aspect that should be taught to students. The purpose of education is for a student to develop character, mental abilities, and physical abilities. This is why school and educationRead MoreDoes Participation Affect High School Sports Build Character?2743 Words   |  11 PagesCharacter in sports – Does it still exist? What is character, anyway? Character is what makes up an individual. Possessing character implies that an individual possesses good behaviors and virtues. There is a popular belief among many people that being involved in high-school sports develops character and makes student-athletes better people. Participating in athletics is supposed to teach sportsmanship, leadership, self-control, sacrifice, fair play, important life skills, and both social Read MoreWhat Should P.e. Be?1439 Words   |  6 Pagesperforming athletic exercises or sports. Preventing major and minor injuries should always been on the mind of the PE teacher. It is important that the teacher meets the needs of all stude nts, especially those who are not athletically gifted. Having everybody in the class participate in any sort of athletic exercise should be established. Having kids who are overweight sit out or do soft exercises while everybody else perform intense exercises isn’t going to help the overweight kids. Having everybodyRead MoreThe Love Of Sports Can Start At An Early Age846 Words   |  4 Pages The love of sports can start at an early age. Many parents start involving their child or children into sports during Elementary School. Involving a child into sports can help a child connect with other genders, the media, other races, the school system, and religion. A child can also face many challenges and gain several of strengths by participating in sports. Last but not least, there are some changes that should be made within sports. 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Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Depression Essay - 1202 Words

One of the most common mental disorders in the world today affecting up to 340 million people worldwide is depression. Imagine the entire student body of Upper Darby High School infected with the exact same disease. Depression is a common but complex disorder diversely affecting a variety of people with a multitude of symptoms. The disorder may be brought into affect due to a large number of causes. What can be done? There are numerous manners in which to treat this disorder spanning from medication to counseling to support groups. Although depression is one of the most treatable mental illnesses in the world, only about one half of all cases of depression are diagnosed and successfully treated. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The most†¦show more content†¦nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Other causes of depression may be based on external factors. Magazines or TV shows have often portrayed an image of â€Å"perfect† people such as slender women or strong brave men. Excessive amounts of what society believes to be â€Å"cool† can lead to low self esteem for those who do not fit the profile (Koltsov 2). Other external triggers include a fear of failure, separation from family, death of a parent or lover, divorce, or a life altering illness. It is also important to know that in some cases depression can strike for no obvious reason ( 2). nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Depression is often viewed as a predominantly female affliction. This may be because the condition is most likely overlooked and misunderstood with respect to men. Men often deal with the disorder by self-medication, isolation or lashing out. They self-medicate themselves by drinking heavily, drug abuse, womanizing or watching excessive amounts of television ( 1). It was once believed that women were more prone to depression than men. Nowadays it is thought that women are more likely to seek help for this disorder, therefore having their depression recorded ( nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;More women suffer from unipolar depression than men ( 1). Women experience several biological changes in their lives: hormonal changes every month,Show MoreRelatedDepression : Depression And Depression927 Words   |  4 Pagesthe word Depression. Now that I am older I know not to use that term so loosely because depression is a disorder that is very serious. According to the Mayo Clinic Depression, also known as major depressive disorder is a mood disorder that causes a feeling of sadness and a loss of interest. Depression can cause physical problems because it affects how you think along with how you act. For example, you may not want to do activities that you normally would, due to this disorder. Depression does notRead MoreMy Depression And Depression : Causes Of Depression1080 Words   |  5 Pages Days in Depression When my classmates glance at me walking up the stairs next to them, I know their first impression is not the truth; at least not the whole truth. They may think, â€Å"she’s lucky she can get up early enough to go grab that venti coffee she has† or â€Å"she must have 8ams considering the pajamas she is still wearing,† but I would bet they never think â€Å"that girl looks like she suffers from severe depression.† My name is Amanda Rieper. I am 19 years old, and I do, in fact, suffer fromRead MoreDepression And Sadness Of Depression1423 Words   |  6 PagesTaylor Neighbors Winters English 1301.91 11 November 2015 Depression and Sadness Imagine you are in the middle of a monumental ocean surrounded by heavy, crashing waves. (TS) The sky is black, and the water is cold. Suddenly, the current pulls you under and you forget how to swim. You are desperately gasping for air, fighting the current, but you continue to sink uncontrollably. You scream and with every ounce of the little breath left in your lungs, but nobody hears you; nobody saves you. Your bodyRead MoreDepression And Its Effects On Depression1490 Words   |  6 PagesIn popular culture depression has become a thing that is seemingly almost sought after. A lot of youth use depression to have an edge or some kind of thing that makes them different. I feel like this ideology invalidates people with real mental illness and diagnosed depression. I say this but have also fallen victim to this aesthetic or aura that a lot of people portray. Although hard to define, depression can basically be summed up to be the lack of hope or courage pertaining to your life. It causesRead MoreDepression And Depression In Wurtzel931 Words   |  4 Pagesher life while dealing with depression and its symptoms. Having depression at a young age had affected her whole life and has made it difficult to act normal. Wurtzel expresses her sadness and copes in destructive ways such as cutting and doing drugs. The book goes on a journey of her life and the issues she goes through, meeting people, and dealing with additional problems. The novel’s main conflict is battling with depression and the urges of dealing with depression. I believe young readers wouldRead MoreDepression And Its Effects On Adolescent Depression1290 Words   |  6 PagesDepression is an issue facing a large amount of people today. It has becoming increasingly known that a lot of depression begins to start in the adolescent years for many individuals. The social work profession is critical in helping this adolescent depression not lead to further depression in adulthood. To understand adolescent depression and what is needed to help people suffering from it, we need to further understand the prevalence of adolescent depression, the effects it has on teens sociallyRead MoreDepression1008 Words   |  5 PagesDepression Teresa Collick HCA/250 April 24, 2016 Depression has always been a major health issue going back for many years. Initially being called â€Å"melancholia† it appeared in the texts of the Mesopotamians in the second millennium. It was then thought of a demonic presence that required a priest to be in attendance. The understanding was that depression wasn’t considered a physical issue but a spiritual or mental illness. The BabylonianRead MoreThe Effects Of Depression And Its Effects On Depression1642 Words   |  7 Pages Depression, 2 Every single day, across the entire world, people are diagnosed with clinical depression. I think a lot of people tend to see depression as a excuse/reasoning for something they ve done. In reality, there have been many discussions done and research studies completed on depression to see whether or not it is genetically passed down or learned through experiences/influences. I think it is safe to say that both genetic and environmental factors play a role in depression. InRead MoreA Brief Note On Depression And The Depression2842 Words   |  12 Pages Robyn Lawhorn July 11, 2015 Psychology 100 Mrs. Fischer Hours Worked: 22 Major depression, also known as unipolar depression, is one of the most common mental illnesses. Over nine million adults each year suffer from depression. Many people don’t understand what depression really is, including myself until I did a lot of research over this subject. Major depression is more than a temporary state of being sad. It is a persistent state that can significantly impair an individual’s thoughtsRead MoreDepression Essay : The Causes And Effects Of Youth Depression1566 Words   |  7 PagesCauses and Effects of Youth Depression Most individuals spend a short downcasted period in their lives, but some individuals experience an extended period of dejection. This may be the cause of depression. Depression is a mental disorder that feeds on the negative self-evaluation of an individual. Eventually the individual is blinded of any positivity in their life by the overwhelming pessimistic views of a situation, continuing the cycle. Awareness of adult depression is substantial, but unprogressive

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Arts Rationale Paper Essay Example For Students

Arts Rationale Paper Essay Integrating arts into the curriculum will be our ticket to getting all of these things accomplished, Right now, we have art class isolated as a separate subject. Although I do understand that we should be thankful that the district hasnt cut our arts program, we should be taking advantage of this by trying to use the arts as a process to connect teaching subjects in the classroom, Teaching through the arts not only supports a positive learning environment, but it will address student-centered learning and will impact the diverse learning needs of each student. Ill explain and eve examples of significant instructional strategies that are based on practicing integrating the arts along with culturally responsive pedagogy. I will also discuss how students learning styles and multiple perspectives are encouraged. Lastly, I will show evidence of academic and cognitive outcomes of a lesson have taught using the arts and how the instruction was linked to state standards. My new knowledge and understanding Of integrating the arts and multiple intelligence approaches to classroom learning impact my every day teaching and has enabled me to take my teaching too higher level. As Ive read in the book, Multiple Intelligences in the Classroom by Thomas Armstrong (2009): Multiple Intelligence theory makes its greatest contribution to education by suggesting that teachers need to expand their repertoire of techniques, tools, and strategies beyond the typical linguistic and logical ones predominantly used in American classrooms. MI theory provides a broad range of stimulating curricula to awaken the slumbering brains that Goodling fears populate our nations schools. P. 54-55) Slumbering brains is a great description of students in an every day classroom in America. The teacher stands in the front of the room and talks at the students almost all day. There is hardly any learning going on. These students brains are just being filled with information instead of their passion being ignited! Then, the practice that the teachers are giving to the students that supposedly supports the lesson is a worksheet out of a workbook. Armstrong (2009) believes that, The federal governments No Child Left Behind law has created a climate in which standardized tests, and standardized methods to prepare for them, have overwhelmed the landscape in schools across the United States (p. 5). Most schools are now so worried about standardized tests that they hue begun to teach to the test. They have begun to steer their direction of teaching students from becoming educated, successful, creative and competitive community members to just good test-takers. At what cost is this? In my opinion, we are dumping down our kids and not allowing their creativity to blossom and take shape. Studies show that our actual peak of creativity happens in fifth grade. In fifth grade! We really need to take this into account as we start to plan for the upcoming year. We need to think about what we really want for our students and who we want them to become. Creating a sate environment in which students can freely experiment their passions through their MI and the arts along with connecting it to key standards in the curriculum is key for our students to be successful. It shouldnt just be connected, though; it should be embedded throughout the curriculum so that students are getting every chance possible to receive the best education and learn the curriculum in every way. Students learning styles and multiple perspectives should be encouraged, not discouraged, in the classroom. As educators, we do this by gearing our lessons more towards MI and the arts and using strategies that will significantly help take our students learning to a new level. The first step is to recognize the learning styles and multiple intelligences in our classrooms at the beginning of the year. It would be best to even teach it as a lesson for the kids to understand and to give examples Of famous individuals who show signs of having one predominant MI. How empowering for the kids to know how they learn best and to make connections With Ray Charles knowing his struggles? As you know, most lessons follow this process: Introduce the lesson, give a lecture, maybe students pair share, then an independent worksheet for the assessment. An integrated arts and MI lesson will focus on teaching through strategies using poetry, music, dance, theatre, visual arts and even storytelling to solidify the concepts and standards, It will also incorporate movement, logical and mathematical thinking, tactile materials and experiences, hands-on activities, interpersonal interaction, visual thinking and much more, One of my readings in Integrating the Arts by Merry Goldberg (2006), states that using the arts as way to teach subject matter places the learner in the position of truly working with ideas and taking control of learning in a manner that is at once intellectual, personal, meaningful, and powerful (p,S), recently taught an integrated arts unit on Cesar Shaved called Coming Together. Instead of the normal lesson have done in the past, used my new knowledge about integrating the arts and shifted my approach Students attitudes, behavior, and motivation drastically changed for the better. I was astounded at how differently my students took to the lesson and how much ore interested in learning about Cesar Shaved they were than in the past. The art strategies that were used helped the kids not only cooperate With each other, but they were motivated to participate in the lesson. Seed movement and music to pair up students With puzzle-piece word cards; the words Of Which they came up with after brainstorming about Cesar Shaved on the first day, Word Recognition 1. 1. Students had to then completely color the back Of the word card while music was playing to show how that word made them feel. Using different types of coloring materials. After that, piece-by-piece, the students, as a class, UT all of the word cards together in a way that connected them, We were also learning correct ways to use reference books, CA Standard Writing Strategies 1. 7. I integrated using a thesaurus to find the synonym of their puzzle-piece word. Then the student hanged small index cards with the synonym hanging from the piece. We now have a beautiful art piece that not only they are proud tot but that also has a purpose. Thenile EssayShe explains how the arts and writing are deeply connected and play an important part in cultural awareness in the classroom. At her school, she uses autobiographical writing, journaling and publishing in her writing program to enhance students learning. Berries states, autobiographical writing is key to the positive cultural identity formation Of children Who have been inhibited by negative immigration experiences or by Throughout their day, she has woven in time for writing in many forms. Each morning, every student freely writes how he or she feels as soon as they get into the classroom. It mess like a good transition from their horn life to more structured school life. In these journals, the children are allowed to write in any form to express their feelings. A few of her students even write poetry to release thoughts onto paper. Cultural awareness is not only important for the students but mostly for the teacher. In an interesting letter to his sons teacher, Robert Lake expressed his deepest concerns about her recent label of his child, She had labeled him as a slow learner at the age tot. He was astounded and began explaining that his son went beyond his years and beyond the basics of school curriculum. Lake explained to the teacher that his son had practiced in rituals and healing ceremonies held by medicine men and women, He had experienced sweat- lodge-rituals and exposed to different religions and religious practices. Just because his son wasnt learning at the same capacity as another student that just came from preschool didnt mean that he was an empty glass coming in to be filled, but actually a full basket coming into a different environment and society with something special to share (Lake, 1990, p. 3). As you can see, Mr.. Scott, being culturally aware and having a culturally expensive classroom is imperative in creating a safe environment in which students can learn and grow as individuals and positive influences in society. Integrating the arts is a gateway in doing this. Truly using every art form to help deliver the curriculum in a successful way Will only heighten our standards and expectations of future generations. It will also positively impact the needs of our student population. Right now, our students are struggling and wanting something more. They are ready to explore and take their learning into their own hands. They are ready for us to supply them With the vehicle they need to evolve skills and inspire them to learn. So what are we waiting for, Mr.. Scott? We have the opportunity to be and see the change that has needed to occur a long time ago. We, as humans, are prone to express ourselves. Its our nature to want to sing, dance, act, draw, and tell stories. Outside of school the first thing we do is an activity that has to do with the arts; go to the movies, attend a play or ballet, or enjoy a museum. We should use what we know and resources that are everywhere to connect our students interests, their culture to what they are learning in school. Mr.. Scott, please allow me to begin to integrate arts into our whole fourth grade curriculum, My goal is to help other teachers across grade levels to integrate a culturally responsive arts integrated curriculum. We can meet with outside agencies to connect family and community members to help support this and become as school, what you have envisioned! It will take effort from all teachers, but as we come to an end to this year, this will be a great time to discuss our vision for the next year and years to come.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Love Song Explication Essay Research Paper The free essay sample

Love Song Explication Essay, Research Paper The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock Lines 37-52 In this stanza the adult male regrets some of the determinations that he has made in his life. The adult male feels that if he allows himself to reflect upon his yesteryear he will hold to cover with the emotions and effects of a life of hapless determinations. He inquiries if there is a opportunity to turn back the custodies of clip to, hopefully, conveying an chance for alteration in his life, Do I make bold? and, Do I make bold ( Line 38 ) . His physical ripening embarrasses him, With a bald topographic point in the center of my hair ( 39 ) . He is really down because he is worried about what other people will comprehend of him. My forenoon coat, my neckband mounted steadfastly to my mentum, this shows how he is seeking to conceal the grounds of physical ripening by covering it up with vesture ( 42 ) . We will write a custom essay sample on Love Song Explication Essay Research Paper The or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page This is another mark that he is down. He is trusting that with a necktie rich and modest he will look solid, but will non be noticed for being richly dressed ( 43 ) . He hopes that his colourful piece of vesture will deflect others from his thin weaponries and legs, His weaponries and legs are thin ( 44 ) . Once once more he is concerned with how people perceive him. He uses imagination to depict how he looks, he is seeking to look solid and righteous but in world he is sad and glooming. Bing thin brings up the subject of poorness, physical famishment, or possibly even the famishment of a life that was wasted by hapless judgement. These mentions to aging reveals this adult male s feelings of weakness that increases as the verse form continues on and he continues to experience regret about his life. There is the repeat of the phrase Do I dare in which he ponders the inquiry is it worth all of the problem to be concerned with all of his physical features that God so deliberately gave him ( 45 ) . These ideas of which he inquiries his visual aspect sets the tone to be of desperation and despair. He severely wants to alter his life s history. The inquiry of whether he should or should non upset the perfect harmoniousness of nature, Do I dare/Disturb the existence? ( 45-46 ) , brings up his desire to hold a minute to turn back clip and do different picks. In a minute there is clip, this exaggeration describes how he feels that in merely one minute he could alter his life everlastingly ( 47 ) . There is paradox with the phrase determinations and alterations these two are contradictory emotions, but no affair how difficult they work together this one m inute that he desires it could change by reversal them and alter his life everlastingly. The adult male knows now everything that he should hold done. Every twenty-four hours it was clear to him that determinations he made were non the best, Have known the eventides, forenoons, and afternoons. ( 50 ) . He blatantly understates the value of his life, I have measured my life out in java spoons ( 51 ) . He feels that he has merely let his life waste off, he has no great accomplishment to be proud of, nil to look back on and smiling. Measuring out his life in java he signifies that he feels that his life was limited to a certain sum. In the last line he realizes that it is hopeless to believe Do I dare, there is no opportunity that he will acquire a opportunity to turn back clip and alter some of his determinations. For him revisiting the yesteryear has become excessively painful. He now knows that the harm has been done and there is nil to make but wait and see what else happens. This a dult male realizes that his picks were non the best, but in the terminal his hope for revising these hapless determinations no longer exists. Life is a concatenation of determinations, the picks that you make along the manner act upon your life after decease. The enunciation of this verse form is both formal and informal. Phrases like, my neckband mounted steadfastly to my mentum ( 44 ) are more formal while phrases like, I have measured my life out in java spoons ( 51 ) are more informal. The beat of this stanza is chiefly poetic. It rhymes most of the words that end each line, but it does non rime any of the daring this makes these phrases stand out. It stresses the fact that this adult male inquiries should he even be believing of his yesteryear and conveying up this hurting. The rhyming of lines 41 through 44 brings out the more poetic side and makes these parts flow a batch drum sander. But in the following three lines at that place is non any rimes and they stand out and non flux swimmingly. The rhyming of daring ( 38 ) , step ( 39 ) , and hair ( 40 ) sets a temper of desperation. While the rhyming of thin ( 41 ) , chin ( 42 ) , and pin ( 43 ) sets a temper of despair. There is besides the repeat of the words known them all ( 49 ) a nd deceasing ( 52 ) which helps put the beat at the terminal. With these lines non read as swimmingly draws the reader s attending more to this country. In the parts that do non rime there is an accent on words that begin with D, this could be evading towards decease and how he regrets that nil good came from his life. In line 48 there is the repeat of the ions sounds and the rhenium sounds.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

How to Find the Lyra Constellation

How to Find the Lyra Constellation The nighttime skies of the northern hemisphere summer and southern hemisphere winter feature a tiny constellation called Lyra, the Harp. Located next to Cygnus the Swan, Lyra has a long history and harbors a few fascinating surprises for stargazers. Finding Lyra To locate Lyra, look for Cygnus. Its right next door. Lyra looks like a small lopsided box or a parallelogram in the sky. Its also not far from the constellation Hercules, a hero honored by the Greeks in their pantheon of myths and legends. The Myth of Lyra The name Lyra comes from the Greek myth of Orpheus, a musician. Lyra represents his lyre, made by the god Hermes. Orpheus lyre produced such beautiful music that it brought inanimate objects to life and charmed the legendary sirens. Orpheus married Eurydice, but she was killed by a snakebite, and Orpheus had to follow her to the underworld to get her back. Hades, the god of the underworld, said he could have her back as long as he didnt look at her as they left his realm. Unfortunately, Orpheus couldnt help but look, and Eurydice was lost forever. Orpheus spent the rest of his life in grief, playing his lyre. After he died, his lyre was placed in the sky as a tribute to his music and the loss of his wife. The constellation Lyra, one of the 48 constellations of antiquity, represents that lyre. The Stars of Lyra The IAU official constellation outline of Lyra. This also shows the location of two deep-sky objects observers can search out. IAU/Sky Telescope.   Constellation Lyra has only five main stars in its main figure, but the full constellation with all its boundaries contains many more. The brightest star is called Vega, or alphaLyrae. Its one of the three stars in the Summer Triangle, along with Deneb (in Cygnus) and Altair (in Aquila). Vega, the fifth-brightest star in the nighttime sky, is an A-type star that appears to have a ring of dust around it. At 450 million years old, Vega is considered a young star. It was once our North Pole star about 14,000 years ago and will be again about the year 13,727. The Summer Triangle and the constellations that lend their stars to it. Carolyn Collins Petersen Other interesting stars in Lyra include ÃŽ µ Lyrae, which is a double-double star, meaning that each of its two stars is a double star, as well. ÃŽ ² Lyrae (the second-brightest star in the constellation) is a binary star with two members that orbit so closely that occasionally material from one star spills over to other. That causes the stars to brighten as they do their orbital dance together.  Deep-sky Objects in Lyra Lyra has a few interesting deep-sky objects. The first is called M57, or the Ring Nebula. Its a planetary nebula, the remains of a sun-like star that died and expelled its material out to space to form what looks like a ring. Actually, the cloud of star-atmosphere material is more like a sphere, but from our point of view on Earth, it looks more like a ring. This object is easiest to spot with good binoculars or a telescope.   The Ring Nebula as seen by Hubble Space Telescope, with a white dwarf at the heart of the Ring Nebula. This is a Hubble Space Telescope image. Through binoculars or a small telescope, the ring looks like a small greyish-green oval. NASA/ESA/STScI. The other object in Lyra is the globular star cluster M56. It, too, can be seen with binoculars or telescope. For observers with a good telescope, Lyra also contains a galaxy called NGC 6745. Its more than 200 million light-years away, and scientists think it collided with another galaxy in the distant past.   Scientific Findings in Lyra The constellation Lyra is home to stars with planets that orbit them. Theres a Jupiter-mass planet circling an orange star called HD 177830.  Other stars nearby also have planets, including one called TrES-1b. It was discovered crossing the field of view between Earth and its parent star (called a transit discovery), and theres some thought the star might be somewhat like Earth. Astronomers will have to do more follow-up observations to determine what kind of planet it really is. Such planetary discoveries are part of the Kepler Telescopes mission to find stars with exoplanets. It stared at this region of the sky for years, searching for worlds among the stars of the constellations Lyra, Cygnus, and Draco.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

The Ancient History of Making Olive Oil

The Ancient History of Making Olive Oil Olive oil is, essentially, a fruit juice made from olives. Olives were likely first domesticated in the Mediterranean basin some 6,000 years ago or so. It is thought that oil from the olive was one of several attributes that likely made the bitter fruit attractive enough to result in its domestication. However, the production of olive oil, that is to say, the deliberate pressing of oil out of olives  is currently documented no earlier than ~2500 BCE. Olive oil is a fruit juice made from olives.  First used as lamp fuel and in religious ceremonies in the Mediterranean about 2500 BCE.  First used in cooking at least as long ago as 5th-4th century BCE.  Three grades of olive oil are manufactured: extra virgin olive oil (EVOO), ordinary virgin olive oil, and pomace-olive oil (OPO). EVOO is the highest quality and the one most often fraudulently labeled.   Olive oil was used anciently for a  variety of purposes, including lamp fuel, pharmaceutical ointment, and in rituals for anointing royalty, warriors, and other important people. The term messiah, used in many Mediterranean-based religions, means the anointed one, perhaps (but of course, not necessarily) referring to an olive oil-based ritual. Cooking with olive oil may not have been a purpose for the original domesticators, but that began at least as long ago as the 5th–4th century BCE. Making Olive Oil Making olive oil involved (and still does) several stages of crushing and rinsing to extract the oil. The olives were harvested by hand or by beating the fruit off the trees. The olives were then washed and crushed to remove the pits. The remaining pulp was placed into woven bags or baskets, and the baskets themselves were then pressed. Hot water was poured over the pressed bags to wash out any remaining oil, and the dregs of the pulp was washed away. The liquid from the pressed bags was drawn into a reservoir where the oil was left to settle and separate. Then the oil was drawn off, by skimming the oil off by hand or with the use of a ladle; by opening a stoppered hole at the bottom of the reservoir tank; or by allowing the water to drain off from a channel at the top of the reservoir. In cold weather, a bit of salt was added to speed the separation process. After the oil was separated, the oil was again allowed to settle in vats made for that purpose, and then separated again. Olive Press Machinery Roman olive presses in the city of Sufetula, Tunisia. CM Dixon/Print Collector/Getty Images Artifacts found at archaeological sites associated with making oil include milling stones, decantation basins and storage vessels such as mass-produced amphorae with olive plant residues. Historical documentation in the form of frescoes and ancient papyri have also been found at sites throughout the Mediterranean Bronze Age, and production techniques and uses of olive oil are recorded in the classical manuscripts of Pliny the Elder and Vitruvius. Several olive press machines were devised by the Mediterranean Romans and Greeks to mechanize the pressing process, and are called variously trapetum, mola molearia, canallis et solea, torcular, prelum, and tudicula. These machines were all similar and used levers and counterweights to increase the pressure on the baskets, to extract as much oil as possible. Traditional presses can generate about 50 gallons (200 liters) of oil and 120 gal (450 li) of amurca from one ton of olives. Amurca: Olive Oil Byproducts The leftover water from the milling process is called amurca in Latin and amorge in Greek, and it is a watery, bitter-tasting, smelly, liquid residue. This liquid was collected from a central depression in the settling vats. Amurca, which had and has a bitter taste and an even worse smell, was discarded along with the dregs. Then and today, amurca is a serious pollutant, with a high mineral salt content, low pH and the presence of phenols. However, in the Roman period, it was said to have had several uses. When spread on surfaces, amurca forms a hard finish; when boiled it can be used to grease axles, belts, shoes, and hides. It is edible by animals and was used to treat malnutrition in livestock. It was prescribed to treat wounds, ulcers, dropsy, erysipelas, gout, and chilblains. According to some ancient texts, amurca was used in moderate amounts as a fertilizer or pesticide, repressing insects, weeds, and even voles. Amurca was also used to make plaster, particularly applied to the floors of granaries, where it hardened and kept out mud and the pest species. It was also used to seal olive jars, improve the burning of firewood and, added to laundry, could help protect clothing from moths. Industrialization The Romans are responsible for bringing about a significant increase in olive oil production beginning between 200 BCE and 200 CE. Olive oil production became semi-industrialized at sites such as Hendek Kale in Turkey, Byzacena in Tunisia and Tripolitania, in Libya, where 750 separate olive oil production sites have been identified. Estimates of oil production during the Roman era are that up to 30 million liters (8 million gallons) per year was produced in Tripolitania, and up to 10.5 million gal  (40 million li) in Byzacena. Plutarch reports that Caesar forced Tripolitanias inhabitants to pay a tribute of 250,000 gals (1 million li) in 46 BCE. Oileries are also reported from the first and second centuries AD in the Guadalquivir valley of Andalusia in Spain, where average annual yields were estimated at between 5 and 26 million gal (20 and 100 million li). Archaeological investigations at Monte Testaccio recovered evidence suggesting that Rome imported approximately 6.5 billion liters of olive oil over the period of 260 years. What Is EVOO? Olive oil production in 2018, in the Berber mountain village of Toujane, Tunisia. A blinded donkey is moving an edge mill to crush olives. Thierry Monasse/Getty Images There are three different grades of olive oil made and marketed, from the high-quality extra-virgin olive oil (EVOO) to medium-quality ordinary virgin olive oil, to low-quality olive-pomace oil (OPO). EVOO is obtained by direct pressing or centrifugation of the olives. Its acidity can be no greater than 1 percent; if it is processed when the temperature of the olives is below 30 °C (86 °F) it is called cold-pressed.   Olive oils with between 1 and 3 percent acidity are known as ordinary virgin oils, but anything greater than 3 percent is refined, by accepted chemical solvents, and those oils can also be fairly marketed as ordinary.   Lower Quality Oils and Fraud Pomace is one of the main byproducts of the pressing process; it is a conglomeration of skin, pulp, pieces of kernels, and some oil left over when the first processing is completed, but the oil undergoes rapid deterioration due to the moisture content. Refined OPO is obtained by extracting the remaining oil using chemical solvents and a refining process, then it is improved with the addition of virgin oil to obtain OPO.   Many of the common manufacturers of olive oil practice the fraudulent mislabeling of olive oils. Since EVOO is the most expensive, it is the most often mislabeled. Mislabeling often concerns the geographic origin or oil variety of olive oil, but EVOO which has been adulterated by the addition of cheaper oils is not EVOO anymore, despite its being labeled as such. The most common adulterants in mislabeled virgin olive oils are refined olive oil, OPO, synthetic oil-glycerol products, seed oils (such as sunflower, soy, maize, and rapeseed), and nut oils (such as peanut or hazelnut). Scientists are working on methods of detection of the mislabeled olive oils, but such methods have not been made widely available.   Once someone tries a real extra virgin- an adult or a child, anybody with taste buds- theyll never go back to the fake kind. Its distinctive, complex, the freshest thing youve ever eaten. It makes you realize how rotten the other stuff is, literally rotten.  Tom Mueller Sources: Capurso, Antonio, Gaetano Crepaldi, and Cristiano Capurso. Extra-Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO): History and Chemical Composition. Benefits of the Mediterranean Diet in the Elderly Patient. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2018. 11–21. Print.Foley, Brendan P., et al. Aspects of Ancient Greek Trade Re-Evaluated with Amphora DNA Evidence. Journal of Archaeological Science 39.2 (2012): 389–98. Print.Guimet, Francesca, Joan Ferrà ©, and Ricard Boquà ©. Rapid Detection of Olive–Pomace Oil Adulteration in Extra Virgin Olive Oils from the Protected Denomination of Origin â€Å"Siurana† Using Excitation–Emission Fluorescence Spectroscopy and Three-Way Methods of Analysis. Analytica Chimica Acta 544.1 (2005): 143–52. Print.Kapellakis, Iosif, Konstantinos Tsagarakis, and John Crowther. Olive Oil History, Production and by-Product Management. Reviews in Environmental Science and Biotechnology 7.1 (2008): 1–26. Print.Mueller, Tom. Extra Virgini ty: The Sublime and Scandalous World of Olive Oil. New York: W.W. Norton, 2012. Print. Niaounakis, Michael. Olive-Mill Wastewater in Antiquity. Environmental Effects and Applications. Oxford Journal of Archaeology 30.4 (2011): 411–25. Print.Rojas-Sola, Josà © Ignacio, Miguel Castro-Garcà ­a, and Marà ­a del Pilar Carranza-Caà ±adas. Contribution of Historical Spanish Inventions to the Knowledge of Olive Oil Industrial Heritage. Journal of Cultural Heritage 13.3 (2012): 285–92. Print.Vossen, Paul. Olive Oil: History, Production, and Characteristics of the Worlds Classic Oils. Horticultural Science 42.5 (2007): 1093–100. Print.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Researched Personal Argument on pro-hunting Essay

Researched Personal Argument on pro-hunting - Essay Example Their argument with regard to this controversial activity of hunting is that a legal solution will ensure that people will no longer rely on hunting for a living. This will have been as a result of it being made impossible to continue hunting under animal protection by legal intervention. Thus, forbidding hunting using legal channels, as is being seen from the point of view of the urban onlookers, is seen to shed light to a brighter future of the wild animals. This is, especially, for those animals which have been hunting targets for the human beings. There exists, also, another perception which is from a slightly different point of view from the previously mentioned one above. This is the one in which the legal intervention is seen as the beginning of a journey towards a complex system of causal activities which will indefinitely continue with the seeking of wild animals’ liberation from the oppression by human being hunters. These activities referred to in this former statem ent are such those that will probably ensure that the human being activities within the environment affect it in a positive ways. First in the list of these activities according to Harvey is the replacement ways of modern agriculture which are unkind and damaging the environment with better ones (Par. 21). Harvey also suggests the employment of an entirely new form of land management (par. 21). Activities which would also bring harmony between those residing in the town and the rest of the population in the other parts of the country are also part of the causal activities which would unfold once the legal employment of protecting wildlife from human being hunters is established. However, this perspective of resolving the issue between hunters, the hunted and the environment has elicited varied criticism. Being also inclined to the opinion of the critics of Harvey’s argument, I tend not to support the establishment of

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Violence Leads to Disagreements and Development Essay

Violence Leads to Disagreements and Development - Essay Example That is the only way that issues can be resolved with ease. It becomes impractical to solve issues through violence. It is common practice for civilians to resolve to violence whenever they are dissatisfied with their particular leadership. However much this seems right to them, it is not the case because by engaging in violent demonstration, a lot of property is lost, and it may also lead to injuries. For example, violent demonstrations can lead to burning and destroying of structures which for years have served people. It is not only civilians that engage in violence. Even police officers may engage in violence. The role of policemen is controlling crime and ensuring that law and order is maintained. However, if policemen decide to use violent means when dealing with civilians, it becomes a form of violence since it causes bodily harm to civilians. Statistics have shown that communities that do not engage in violent activities are able to lead good and quality lifestyles as compared to those that lead violent lifestyles. As a result of this, people are always encouraged to shed their violent side since it ensures that they lead a quality lifestyle. Another disadvantage of violence is that it hinders development since it introduces enmity in people’s lives. People need to pull together for purposes of development, hence, when there is violence, there is bound to be disunity which affects development. Violence also leads to various disagreements between people which ensures that people do not get along well as they initially did. Disagreements are not good for life since people are expected to live in harmony in the community. Therefore, the best way to minimize disagreements in the community is to reduce violence. By so doing, people will live peacefully in the community and development will be realized well in the society. In conclusion, violence is a practice that causes disharmony between people and brings about enmity between people. Violence

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Irans Nuclear Ambitions Essay Example for Free

Irans Nuclear Ambitions Essay Behind the Irans Nuclear ambitions lay the fundamental issue: Do third world countries have the permission and the right to develop and enrich all nuclear technology including enrichment of nuclear material? Iranians Iranians claimed that they have the right to develop and enriching the nuclear material as authorized, and they would not tolerate the prospects of abdicating their right of enriching uranium which is abundant in Iran as allowed in the Non Proliferation Treatys article 4. Iran has repeatedly claim that their purpose of enriching nuclear material is always for the nuclear reactors which will provide much needed power, as Iran is already spending billions of dollars on gasoline imports. Iran also say that it has abide by all the regulations of NPT, and in 2004 it signed Paris Agreement with France, England and Germany the European Union Troika (EU-3) and as a result of which it has temporarily suspended its uranium enrichment as agreed during that Paris Agreement. Iranians also argue that under the regime of Shah which is the ally of US at that time, Washington firmly supported plans of Iran to build up to 23 atomic reactors by 1994. United States The United States asserted that Iranians are not trustworthy and their enrichments clearly intends to the development of Nuclear weapons. US often says that Iran is also the number 2 producer of oil in OPEC and also sits on the second biggest natural reserves, which is enough to make desires for enriching nuclear material suspicious. United States also points out that one set of risk is that it will set off a falling domino sequence of proliferation in the region, and Egypt, Turkey and Saudi Arabia as those countries that might feel that they should pursue their own nuclear program in response, which will start a nuclear race in the region. Americans also believe that a militant, oil rich Muslim theocracy of around 70 million people, with a Holocaust denying president who yearns for Israels disappearance and calls America and Britain the greater and lesser Satans, poses a great sort of problem. Another problem is the bold Iranian problem which will bring the world into danger by Iran arming terrorists with nuclear weapons that will bring the whole world into danger especially American and Israelis. Russians and Chinese Moscow says that Irans plans to develop a full atomic fuel cycle and to enrich uranium for its nuclear reactors are not economically viable. The head of Russias Atomic Energy Agency said that he has a technically proven data that tells that Iran plans to build 10 reactors worth 1,000 megawatts each is not the most feasible option but is rather ruinous. But Russians and Chinese have always not backed any movement by the US that undermine Irans capabilities to develop Nuclear Fuel but also Russia and China along with other countries that have economic interests in Iran such as Britain, France and Germany have stepped back from any direct confrontation with the US. All of these powers have voted for the IAEA resolution in February to refer Iran to the UN and then in March for a non-binding presidential statement in the UN Security Council setting a 30-day deadline for Iran to cease uranium enrichment. In all likelihood, Moscow and Beijing will again seek to mollify Washington in forthcoming meetings on Iran and try to limit the scope of any UN actions on Iran.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Thesis Essay -- essays papers

Thesis The purpose of this research paper is to investigate the effectiveness of character education programs and how technology can be used to enhance student learning about character education. According to Laura and Malcolm Gauld (2002)" For families, educators, corporations, and communities, the biggest job we'll ever have is nothing less than a new paradigm for reconnecting education with core values." (p.1) The world of education is at a place where they are placing extreme importance on teaching our students values. This paper will discuss the true meaning of character education, give ideas on how to incorporate character education, and give examples of technology that is helping this process. Items such as the computer blocking software and parental controls will be explained. All of these things will make up what character education means to our students and schools. Defining Character Education Before we discuss methods of character education we must first define the term. Many sources define character education as different things but all reach one general view. In the book, Bringing a New Era in Character Education Damon (2002) says, â€Å"there are two themes needed in character education today. The first is a consensus that fundamental moral standards must be passed along to the young and that educators at all levels bear a serious obligation to transmit these core standards to their students†¦The second theme that emerges from this volume is a shared determination to get rid of sterile old oppositions that have paralyzed even some of the best efforts in this field over the past decade.†(p.11) Damon’s view is a summary of the definition of all those involved in character education. The goal of character educa... ...orporate character education into the classroom. Damon, W. (Ed.). (2002). Bringing in a new era in character education. Stanford, CA: Hoover Press. This book shows different peoples pint of views on what character education is and how they maintain it in their classrooms. Frieman, B. (2001). Children at risk. New York: McGraw-Hill. This book discusses different way children are at risk in the classroom and how to help them if they are at risk. Gauld, L., & M. Gauld. (2002). The biggest job we'll ever have. New York: Simon and Schuster. This book talks about the fact that teaching our children how to be good people is the hardest and most important job we will ever have. Steyer, J. (2002). The other parent. New York: Atria Books. The book by Steyer talks about how technology such has television and computers are parenting America’s children.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Employee Turnover and Job Satisfaction Essay

A collection of peer-reviewed articles were used to examine the link between job satisfaction and employee turnover, as well as how to effectively use work motivation to decrease employee turnover rates. Though the literature surveys various types of studies in multiple settings, overall it indicates that how satisfied employees are with their work is directly linked with a business’ employee turnover rate. Major themes that emerged as the driving force behind job satisfaction are staffing concerns, the implementation of a rewards system, employee benefits and pay, employer to employer communication, the prevalence of moral stressors, role distinction, and the organizational environment of the business. The research indicates that some or all of these factors should be used as work motivators, increasing job satisfaction, and ultimately decreasing employee turnover rates. Keywords: job satisfaction, employee turnover, employee satisfaction, employee retention, work motivation, employee motivation, employee engagement, retention factors Minimizing Employee Turnover in a Clinical Environment by Creating Job Satisfaction People want to feel fulfilled in their work; this is not recent discovery (Katzell & Thomson, 1990). When a person feels that he or she is beginning to lose a sense of purpose at their place of employment, he or she moves on. Extensive research has been done in attempts to understand the causes behind employee turnover. The research examine in this literature review indicates that there is a direct link between employee turnover and job satisfaction. This paper will be exploring employee turnover in a variety of work situations; however, I will be observing with the purpose of implementing the findings within a healthcare setting. Since healthcare is something that is so vital in the lives of all people, it is absolutely  necessary that a healthcare system is run efficiently; for any business to be run efficiently, a skilled and competent staff is a requirement (Harter, Schmidt, & Hayes, 2002). Healthcare professions are highly demanding; without proper work motivation, employee retention may suffer. Though high employee turnover rates can be seen in many professions, they are becoming especially prevalent in healthcare scenarios (Belbin, Erwee, & Wiesner, 2012). One reason for this may be that healthcare is becoming such a strong force, both in our daily lives and in the business world (Barrett, 2010). A large healthcare system calls for an ample staff; with more employees, it generally follows that employee turnover rates will increase. Whatever the case, in order to maintain a successful clinic, one should have a clear understanding of what affects employee turnover. The goal of this paper is to understand the link between employee turnover rates and job satisfaction. Once these factors, or work motivators, are identified, this paper will examine how they can be implemented within a clinic to decrease employee turnover and increase the performance levels of employees. Definitions Employee turnover rate refers the frequency in which employers gain and lose employees (Cline, Reilly, & Moore, 2003). When examining turnover rates, some researchers like to make the distinction between voluntary and involuntary turnover. In this literature review, when I refer to employee turnover, I will be specifically focusing on voluntary turnover. Job satisfaction indicates the contentedness an individual feels toward their vocation. Job satisfaction, as this research will further confirm, is a complex and multifaceted concept; many factors are integral in the accomplishment of job satisfaction. As Sell & Cleal (2011) confirm, there are many theories on what motivates job satisfaction, whether it be dispositional, situational, or psychological. This literature review is mainly concerned with situational job satisfaction. Work motivation is defined by Lindner (1998) as â€Å"the inner force that drives individuals to achieve personal and organizational goals† (p. 1). Motivation is what gives us our purpose and tenacity; it is the desire achieve specific goals and to meet needs unmet. Rewards systems are implemented by employers to both make aware their expectations for their employees and for employees to receive the benefit of recognition when their job or task is performed with excellence (Shiraz, Rashid, & Riaz, 2011). Some examples of vocational rewards are promotions, monetary compensation, vacation, and recognition. Method Applicable research articles were found using resources and databases available through Cornerstone University in Grand Rapids, Michigan. The most advantageous databases were ProQuest, GaleGroup, AcademicOne, and PsychInfo. The following key words were used to help narrow search results: job satisfaction, employee turnover, employee satisfaction, employee retention, work motivation, employee motivation retention factors, and employee engagement. In order to keep this literature review applicable to current circumstances, articles dating before 2000 were not used, with the exception of those dealing with theoretical framework. The research was done in not only medical environments, but in a variety of work environments. The reason for this is that job satisfaction and employee turnover rates are very prevalent in a considerable number of professions. The findings found within each article may be effectively applied to a clinical setting. Each article used for this literature review is peer-reviewed. Review of Related Literature Since the concept of job satisfaction and its relation to job performance and employee turnover is such a large topic, this literature review will be focusing on several key factors: (a) the role of recognition and rewards in the work place (Shiraz et al., 2011); (b) meaningful communication between employer and employee (Sultan, 2012); (c) the importance of leadership and role definition in the work place (Moynihan & Pandey, 2007). While all the researchers agreed that there are always a number of factors that influence employee turnover and job satisfaction, for succinctness, this particular literature review will specifically examine the aforementioned topics and their relationship to employee turnover and job satisfaction. While it may not immediately seem that these topics are intrinsically connected, by exploring these themes piece-by-piece, in conclusion we are able to see how  together they are able to offer insight into how job satisfaction can be improved. The role of rec ognition and rewards in the work place Within the workplace, both employers and employees maintain certain expectations of each other. Employers expect their employees to â€Å"take initiative, supervise themselves, continue to learn new skills, and be responsive to business needs† (Ali & Ahmed, 2009, p. 1). Employees expect, at the very least, to be treated with fairness, to be paid a reasonable salary, and to experience a safe working atmosphere (Ali & Ahmed, 2007). These are, as Linz (2010) puts it, â€Å"intrinsic rewards.† In Linz’s study, all employees valued these rewards as an integral part of job satisfaction and motivation; only some employees placed great value on â€Å"extrinsic rewards† such as promotions and recognition. In a theoretical study constructed by Lindner (1998), the research indicated that simply receiving â€Å"full appreciation for work done† was ranked significantly important in a list of factors linked with job satisfaction, coming in at third. However, in a study performed by Ali & Ahmed (2009), a questionnaire given to 80 Unilever employees showed that there was a significant correlation with the extrinsic reward recognition and how satisfied and motivated they were in their work. Ali & Ahmed (2007) used the Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation Coefficient to quantify their data. In a study very similar to the one performed by Ali & Ahmed (2007), Danish (2010) hypothesized that there would be a strong relationship between recognition and work motivation; he also predicted that there would be a strong link between rewards and work motivation. Both of his hypotheses were supported; however, the link between recognition and work motivation, though positive, was not as strong as anticipated. Though the link between rewards and work motivation was slightly stronger than the correlation between recognition and work motivation, it still was not as significant as the link between work motivation and the content of the work itself. Like Ahmed & Ali (2007), Danish (2010) used the Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation Coefficient. Meaningful communication between employer and employee In a qualitative study of nurses who voluntarily left their jobs, researchers discovered that the reason the nurses communicated to their employer for  leaving was not consistent with the reason they gave to a neutral third party when posited with the same question (Cline, Reilly, & Moore, 2003). Interestingly enough, the reasons that they gave for leaving were directly connected with problems concerning communication with their managing staff. In a theoretical study designed by Lindner (1998) with the purpose of ranking factors associated with work motivation, the feeling of â€Å"being in on things† was among the more important factors, placing sixth in the line-up. Some other factors that were mentioned in Lindner’s study could also be linked with the concept of employer and employee communication: full appreciation of work done, personal loyalty to employees, tactful discipline, and sympathetic help with personal problems. Goris (2007) performed a moderated regression analysis on 302 employees. In his findings, he did not discover that employees’ communication-related interactions served as an indication of what types of jobs employees would choose. However, Goris (2007) did find that communication satisfaction was a primary predictor of employees’ performance and overall job satisfaction. The importance of leadership and role definition in the work place The research consistently indicates that the establishment of roles within a work environment is important when examining employee turnover and job satisfaction (Patnaik, 2011). In a study performed by Cline et. al (2003) in which they interviewed registered nurses who had voluntarily left their place of employed, leadership and group cohesion were factors that directly affected turnover and retention. In another study, Moynihan et al. (2007) used a questionnaire to uncover a direct, positive relationship between role clarity and how satisfied employees were with their jobs. However, in the same study, researchers found that role clarity did not seem to have much influence on the employees’ work involvement. Key Findings and Implications for Professional Practice The main focus of this literature is identifying the factors that influence job satisfaction and work motivation and how they influence employee turnover. The research indicates that there is a strong link between job satisfaction and employee retention and that there are several work motivators that can be implemented to increase job satisfaction and decrease employee turnover. In addition, the research implies that increased work  motivators and job satisfaction leads to higher performance levels in employees, greatly benefiting the organization or businesses they serve. While a high employee turnover rate is not hard for employees to see, it is oftentimes difficult to understand the reasons behind it. In this literature review, some real insight could be found in the study of registered nurse turnover rates performed by Cline et al. (2003). The nurses were very clear on their reasons for leaving their jobs when talking with a neutral third-party; however, because they did not feel comfortable communicating with staff members within their former place of employment, they were unable to voice these concerns to their former employer. This demonstrates a very keen example of a problem seen in many work environments: a lack of communication. Throughout much of literature considered in this review, communication, even if it was not directly named, emerged as a very important ingredient within an effective work environment. Through proper communication, employers and employees are able to not only discuss what needs to be accomplished, but they can begin to gain a better understanding of one another. Since there are such a number of work motivation factors, it is important for an employer, or, in larger companies, a manager to have open communication with their employees and get to know them so they can meet their needs, leading to great job satisfaction for that individual. It seems that communication is a joining theme throughout many of the work motivating factors explored. Within a clinical setting, communication can be cultivated through the establishment of meetings, memos, and clear definition of the clinic’s practices (Sultan, 2012). Role clarity, another factor in job satisfaction, can also be implemented through proper communication between staff members. Rewards within a clinic may be exhibited through compensation or promotion; however, recognition, a form of reward, can be achieved through verbal or written communication. Conclusion and Recommendations It is important to achieve an environment where one’s employees feel fulfilled since, as the research confirms, this is directly connected with how successful and effective a business can be (Moynihan & Pandey, 2007). Many might assume that how much an employee is paid is the driving force  behind whether or not they are satisfied with their job (Lindner, 1998). However, while that is a factor, many of studies included here, as well as well-respected theories on the subject of work motivation, imply that there are many other factors that influence how happy an employee is with their job. The work motivators explored specifically in this review all exhibit a strong correlation with job satisfaction, though they still do not encompass all the factors that influence a worker’s job satisfaction and motivation. Organized management, public service motivation, advancement opportunities, work content, and job routineness are some of the other factors that have a strong effect on job satisfaction. With such an array of factors to consider, it is clear that one cannot completely prevent employee turnover. However, as an employer or manager it is important to strive to create an environment where one’s employees are empowered and motivated to perform their job to their best of their ability. By implementing practices in which an employee feels understood and valued, an employer is able to create a work environment where employees not only feel satisfied in their job, but they also feel motivated to set and accomplish goals for themselves and for the business in which they serve. Especially in a healthcare setting, the motivation, which is to help make better, or even save the lives of others, is a substantial one. By gaining a better understanding of the work motivators that bring job satisfaction and minimize employee turnover, an employer can bring about outcomes that benefits clients, employees, and the future of their business. References Ali, R., & Ahmed, M. S. (2009). The impact of reward and recognition programs on employee’s motivation and satisfaction: an empirical study. International Review of Business Research Papers, 5(4), 270-279. Barrett, S. (2010). Healthcare: growing pains. Corporate Adviser, 33. Retrieved from Belbin, C., Erwee, R., & Wiesner, R. (2012). Employee perceptions of workforce retention strategies in a health system. Journal of Management and Organization, 18(5), 742-760. Retrieved from Cline, D., Reilly, C., & Moore, J. F. (2003). What’s behind RN turnover? Nursing Management, 34(10), 50-3. Retrieved from Danish, R. & Usman, A. (2010). Impact of reward and recognition on job satisfaction and motivation: An empirical study from Pakistan. International Journal of Business and Management, 5(2), 159-167. Goris, J. R. (2007). Effects of satisfaction with communication on the relationship between individual-job congruence and job performance/satisfaction. Journal of Management Development, 26(8), 737-752. Retrieved from http://0 ow=abstract#sthash.u4JPs47o.dpuf Harter, J. K., Schmidt, F. L., & Hayes, T. L. (2002). Business-unit-level relationship between employee satisfaction, employee engagement, and business outcomes: A meta-analysis. Journal of Applied Psychology, 87(2), 268-279. doi: 9010.87.2.268 Katzell, R. A., & Thompson, D. E. (1990). Work motivation: Theory and practice. The American Psychologist, 45(2), 144. Retrieved from Linz, S.J. & Semykina, A. (2011). What makes workers happy? Anticipated rewards and job Satisfaction. Industrial Relations, 51(4), 811-844. Lindner, J. (1998). Understanding employee motivation. Journal of Extension (36)3. Retrieved from Moynihan, D. P., & Pandey, S. K. (2007). Finding workable levers over work motivation: Comparing job satisfaction, job involvement, and organizational commitment. Administration & Society, 39(7), 803-816,818-832. Retrieved from Patnaik, J. B. (2011). Organizational culture: The key to effective leadership and work motivation. Social Science International, 27(1), 79-94. Retrieved from Sell, L. & Cleal, B. (2011). Job satisfaction, work environment, and rewards: Motivational theory revisited. Labour, 25(1), 1–23. doi: 10.1111/j.1467-9914.2010.00496.x Shiraz, N., Rashid, M., & Riaz, A. (2011). The impact of reward and recognition programs on employee’s motivation and satisfaction. Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research in Business, 3(3), 1428-1434. Retrieved from Sultan, S. (2012, December 31). Examining the job characteristics: A matter of employees’ work motivation and job satisfaction. Journal of Behavioural Sciences, 22(2). Retrieved from

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Chapter 4 Case Problem Hamilton County

To: County Newspaper From: Amber Vlaminck Date: October 5, 2012 Subject: Hamilton County Judges Introduction In this analytical Report we will be analyzing and evaluating the performance of judges of Hamilton County, based on the amount of cases that were appealed. We will be counting appealed cases as mistakes that have been committed by the judges. In this report, will we go through and determine which judges in the county are making too many mistakes. 1. The probability of a case in Hamilton County being appealed and reversed in Common Pleas Court .04462 Domestic Relations Court .00403292Municipal Court .005556867 2. The probability of a case being appealed for each judge Common Pleas Court JudgeProbability of case appealed * Fred Cartolano. 04511 * Thomas Crush . 03529 * Patrick Dinkelacker . 03497 * Timothy Hogan . 03071 * Robert Kraft . 04047 * William Mathews . 04019 * William Morrissey. 03991 * Norbert Nadel . 04427 * Arthur Ney Jr. .03883 * Richard Niehaus . 04085 * Thomas N urre. 04033 ? * John O'Connor?. 04344 * Robert Ruehlman. 04524 * ? J. Howard Sundermann . 06283 * Ann Marie Tracey?. 04043 * Ralph Winkler . 02848 Domestic Relations Court JudgeProbability of case appealedPenelope Cunningham. 002565 Patrick Dinkelacker. 003166 Deborah Gaines. 005455 Ronald Panioto. 002467 Municipal Court JudgeProbability of case appealed Mike Allen. 006993 ?Nadine Allen. 004352 Timothy Black . 005155 David Davis?. 005558 Leslie Isaiah Gaines. 006626 Karla Grady. 001142 Deidra Hair?. 001975 Dennis Helmick . 003671 Timothy Hogan . 005633 James Patrick Kenney . 002144 Joseph Luebbers . 005321 William Mallory . 004591 Melba Marsh. 004137 ?Beth Mattingly . 004376 Albert Mestemaker. 005628 Mark Painter?. 003126 Jack Rosen. 005263 ?Mark Schweikert. 006108 David Stockdale?. 004096 John A. West . The Probability of the Case being Reversed for each judge Common Pleas Court JudgeProbability of case reversed * Fred Cartolano . 003951 * Thomas Crush . 002966 * Patrick Dinkelacke r . 006359 * Timothy Hogan . 003582 * Robert Kraft . 002231 * William Mathews. 007951 * William Morrissey . 007256 * Norbert Nadel. 006759 * Arthur Ney Jr.. 004349 * Richard Niehaus. 004772 * Thomas Nurre. 002192 * ? John O'Connor. 004042 * ? Robert Ruehlman. 005616 * ? J. Howard Sundermann Jr. 010471 * . Ann Marie Tracey. 004139 * ? Ralph Winkler . 001942 Domestic Relations Court JudgeProbability of case reversedPenelope Cunningham. 000366 Patrick Dinkelacker. 000667 Deborah Gaines. 001023 Ronald Panioto. 000231 Municipal Court JudgeProbability of case reversed Mike Allen. 000651 ?Nadine Allen . 000768 Timothy Black. 000754 David Davis?. 000646 Leslie Isaiah Gaines. 002461 Karla Grady0 Deidra Hair? 0 Dennis Helmick . 000633 Timothy Hogan. 000867 James Patrick Kenney . 000357 Joseph Luebbers. 001703 William Mallory. 001087 Melba Marsh. 000852 ?Beth Mattingly. 000337 Albert Mestemaker. 001809 Mark Painter. 001341 ?Jack Rosen?. 001669 Mark Schweikert. 001111 David Stockdale. 000745 ?J ohn A. West. 000715 4.The probability of reversal given an appeal for each judge Common Pleas Court Probability of reversal given Judgean appeal Fred Cartolano| 0. 08759124| Thomas Crush| 0. 08403361| Patrick Dinkelacker| 0. 18181818| Timothy Hogan| 0. 11666667| Robert Kraft| 0. 05511811| William Mathews| 0. 19780221| William Morrissey| 0. 18181818| Norbert Nadel| 0. 15267176| Arthur Ney Jr. | 0. 11200000| Richard Niehaus| 0. 11678832| Thomas Nurre| 0. 04958678| John O'Connor| 0. 09302326| Robert Ruehlman| 0. 12413793| J. Howard Sundermann Jr. | 0. 16666667| Ann Marie Tracey| 0. 1023622| Ralph Winkler| 0. 06818182| | | | |

Friday, November 8, 2019

Discussing The Greatness Of Adolf Hitler essays

Discussing The Greatness Of Adolf Hitler essays What is greatness? Who can be considered as a great person? When we talk about a person being great, we often think about a good or a hero type of a person. We sometimes think of greatness as a heroic title to a person. A person with good qualities and a person that has great strength physically. But what does greatness in a person really mean? If someone asks you: "Was Adolf Hitler a great person?" what would you say? Knowing Hitler's history when he ordered the killings of the Jews and how the war started might have an affect on how you will answer. But if you look at how Hitler gained Germany's trust and confidence, how he took control of Germany and other countries, and how long he kept Germany fighting could show the meaning "Greatness" of a person in him. After Hitler came into power, the Nazi party took control over every aspect of everyday life. Hitler ordered the creation of a special police force to make sure that all opponents would be eliminated, the Gestapo. He also gave orders to set up a special force, which would be used to transport and take care of all political prisoners, and people who were thought to be inferior. The name of the force was the feared SS. Mass propaganda was used to persuade the German people that the "Fuhrer" would make the country strong and powerful again. They also used propaganda against the Jews and other minority groups that were considered enemies. Teachers had to belong to the Nazi party, and children were taught that Jews were the source of all their problems. Why did so many Germans follow Hitler? When he took power, the economy was basically non-existent and the country was in chaos after the earlier war. Many looked for answers and hope. Through Hitler's speeches and propaganda, th e Germans believed that he was their answer. Hitler used his power to build his empire the way he wanted. And those who opposed were simply captured and killed. Everyone ...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Temperate Grasslands (Climate, Vegetation, Animals)

Temperate Grasslands (Climate, Vegetation, Animals) Biomes are the worlds major habitats. These habitats are identified by the vegetation and animals that populate them. The location of each biome is determined by the regional climate. Grassland biomes consist of temperate grasslands and tropical grasslands, or savannas.   Key Takeaways: Temperate Grasslands Temperate grasslands are areas of open grassy plains that are sparsely populated with trees.Various names of temperate grasslands include pampas, downs, and veldts.Temperate grasslands can be found in various regions north and south of the equator including Argentina, Australia, and central North America.Temperatures vary with seasons with tornadoes, blizzards, and fires occurring in many temperate grassland regions.Temperate grasslands are home to many large and small herbivores. Temperate Grasslands Like savannas, temperate grasslands are areas of open grassland with very few trees. Temperate grasslands, however, are located in colder climate regions and receive less precipitation on average than savannas. Climate Temperatures in temperate grasslands vary according to the season. In winter, temperatures can plummet to well below 0 degrees Fahrenheit in some areas. In summer, temperatures can reach above 90 degrees Fahrenheit. Temperate grasslands receive low to moderate precipitation on average per year (20-35 inches). Most of this precipitation is in the form of snow in temperate grasslands of the northern hemisphere. Tornadoes, Blizzards, and Fires   nickalbi/iStock/Getty Images Plus Three natural factors that impact temperate grassland biomes are tornadoes, blizzards, and fires. A stretch of the plains region in the United States is termed Tornado Alley due to tornado hyperactivity. This region extends from northern Texas through North Dakota and extends east into Ohio. Tornadoes are spawned as warm air from the Gulf meets cold air from Canada generating around 700 tornadoes per year. Temperate grasslands located in colder regions also experience icy winters and blizzards. High winds generate sudden snowstorms that spread across the plains. Due to the hot, dry summer climate, wildfires are common in temperate grasslands. These fires are usually sparked by lightning but are also the result of human activity. The thick dry grass fuels fires that can spread for hundreds of miles. While fires are destructive in nature, they also ensure that prairies remain grasslands and are not overtaken by scrub vegetation. Location Temperate Grassland Locations. Terpsichores/Wikimedia Commons/CC BY-SA 3.0   Grasslands are located on every continent with the exception of Antarctica. Some locations of temperate grasslands include: Argentina - pampasAustralia - downsCentral North America - plains and prairiesHungary - pusztaNew Zealand - downsRussia - steppesSouth Africa - veldts Vegetation Low to moderate precipitation makes temperate grasslands a difficult place for tall plants such as woody shrubs and trees to grow. Grasses of this area have adapted to cold temperatures, drought, and occasional fires. These grasses have deep, massive root systems that take hold in the soil. This allows the grasses to remain firmly rooted in the ground to reduce erosion and to conserve water. Temperate grassland vegetation can either be short or tall. In areas that receive little precipitation, grasses remain low to the ground. Taller grasses can be found in warmer areas that receive more rainfall. Some examples of vegetation in temperate grasslands include: buffalo grass, cacti, sagebrush, perennial grasses, sunflowers, clovers, and wild indigos. Wildlife American Bison.   Juan Carlos Munoz/The Image Bank/Getty Images Plus Temperate grasslands are home to many large herbivores. Some of these include bison, gazelles, zebras, rhinoceroses, and wild horses. Carnivores, like lions and wolves, are also found in temperate grasslands. Other animals of this region include: deer, prairie dogs, mice, jack rabbits, skunks, coyotes, snakes, foxes, owls, badgers, blackbirds, grasshoppers, meadowlarks, sparrows, quails, and hawks. More Land Biomes Temperate grasslands are one of many biomes. Other land biomes of the world include: Chaparrals: Characterized by dense shrubs and grasses, this biome experiences dry summers and damp winters.Deserts: Many people assume falsely that all deserts are hot. Deserts are classified according to location, temperature, and amount of precipitation.Savannas: This large grassland biome is home to some of the fastest animals on the planet.Taigas: Also called coniferous forests, this biome is populated by dense evergreen trees.Temperate Forests: These forests experience distinctive seasons and are populated by deciduous trees (lose leaves in winter).Tropical Rain Forests: This biome receives abundant rainfall and is characterized by tall, dense vegetation. Located near the equator, this biome experiences hot temperatures year round.Tundra: As the coldest biome in the world, tundras are characterized by extremely cold temperatures, permafrost, tree-less landscapes, and slight precipitation. Sources Hoare, Ben. Temperate Grasslands. Raintree, 2011.Nunez, Christina. Grasslands Information and Facts. National Geographic, 15 Mar. 2019,

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Describe the different perspectives used to explain the process of Essay

Describe the different perspectives used to explain the process of childrens development,to what extent can child development be seen as a natural process - Essay Example In a historical and biological perspective, motherhood has played a crucial role in mapping of childhood. It is normal for mothers to turn hostile in a bid to protect their loved ones. It is argued that the discovery of motherhood in the recent past has done greatly to improve the life of children and has also contributed greatly to the end of the stealing of children as was witnessed in some societies in the last centuries. Child development refers to growth aspects of children which can be in aspects of biological and physiological. There are many factors that denote this development primarily being evidenced in increasing autonomy of children. Childhood development is witnessed in various stages of growth from newborn to infants to toddler to preschool to school aged and it is concluded by adolescent stage. Childhood development is marked in different milestones which can be defined as specific physical and mental abilities which correspond to various stages of development. (Hixson, 2004) Childhood development id expressed in development milestones which appears in the first five years of life. Childhood development is represented in some perspectives which are used as marks of the milestone. These include physical development, social and emotional development, thinking skills and communication skills. These perspectives are the ones which are used to gauge the level of development of a child from childhood. It is to be understood that these are used as markers or indicators of growth for children as expressed in different growth milestones. In a real growth, development in one area overlaps the development in another area but generally this development works to reinforce a development in another area and at the same time it is reinforced by development in another area. Let us look closely at these developments. (Dunst and Kassow, 2004) Physical development is represented in growth in the physical body like gain in height with. This is perhaps one of the most important makers of growth in children and is often used by many mothers to assess children hood development. Some of development in physical development included raising head slightly when lying on stomach, hold hand in a fist, lift head and chest, grasping, crawling, walking, standing and others. Social and emotional developments are hard to point than other aspects of growth in physical development. Social and emotional development is laid more on skills that increase self-awareness and self-regulation. There is evidence that social skills and emotional development are important makers of readiness for school. They are usually reflected in the ability of the child to pay attention, make transitions, and cooperate with others. Social development is marked in the way a child relates with others. This is the long process of self awareness and may continue for long time till adolescent stage. (James and Prout, 1997) Before there were studies on the thinking or cognitive skills of children, they were once thought to be passive and unknowing. However it has been proved that children are active learner and they develop in their cognitive ability. Children are actively involved in gathering information. These skills help in to progress in development of perceptual and thinking skills. Some to these developments include vision,

Friday, November 1, 2019

Medications for treatment T2 DM Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Medications for treatment T2 DM - Term Paper Example Thus the medications for type 2 diabetes mellitus are aimed at administering insulin to combat tissue resistance and adjusting the lipid profile back to normal. Different preparations of insulin and a number of oral hypoglycemic drugs are used to treat diabetes mellitus type 2. The oral hypoglycemic drugs are further divided into sulfonylureas, biguanides, thiazolidinediones and alpha glucosidase inhibitors (Trevor et al 2008). Insulin is a protein molecule so it is not given orally to avoid degradation in the gastrointestinal tract; instead it is administered subcutaneously to the patients to lower the blood glucose levels (Finkel et al 2009). The available preparations of Insulin can be categorized as rapid acting, short acting, intermediate and long acting insulin. The rapid acting insulin preparations are insulin lispro and insulin aspart. Due to their rapid onset of action, they mimic the natural prandial insulin secretion. Lispro Insulin was the first insulin analogue developed by recombinant DNA technology. The lysine and proline amino acids at its carboxyl end are reversed. This structure has no effect on binding to insulin receptor, immunogenecity or the half life, as these all are similar to the natural human insulin. The advantage of this structural alignment is that it decreases the propensity of insulin to form dimers, thus more amount of insulin is available in monomer form. It starts working within 15 minutes and achieves peak activity within one hour. The effect lasts for 3 to 5 hours. Insulin aspart has B28 proline in its structure replaced by negative aspartic acid, this modification inhibits insulin self aggregation. The regular insulin comes in the short acting insulin category. It is a soluble crystalline zinc insulin molecule. When injected subcutaneously in substantial amount (a vial), the molecules aggregate antiparallel and create dimers which stabilize around zinc to form insulin hexamers. This structural configuration renders the regu lar insulin the ability of delayed onset of action, so the peak action is achieved slowly. The involved mechanism of slow prolonged action is that initially, the hexamers are too large for the vascular transport, but as the interstitial fluid dilutes them, their concentration begins to decrease locally. The hexamers break and slowly change into mononers. This insulin is administered 30 to 45 minutes before meals. This is the only insulin type that can be given intravenously as well (Trevor et al 2008). Neutral protamine hagedron (NPH) or isophane insulin is the intermediate acting insulin formed by combining protamine and insulin in 1 ratio 10, in the form of isophane complex. In the complex form, insulin and protamine, both lose all their free binding sites. When injected, protamine is degraded by proteolytic enzymes and insulin is then absorbed. It starts acting after 4 to 5 hours of administration. Insulin glargine and insulin detemir are the types of long acting insulin. Insulin glargine, also called as peak-less insulin has the isoelectric point lower than that of human insulin, so it precipitates at the injection site, allowing slow prolonged hypoglycemic effect and provides a background insulin replacement. Insulin detemir has a fatty acid side chain in its structure. It binds with tissue albumin at the site of injection and then dissociates

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Values and its impact on leadership theory and practices Essay

Values and its impact on leadership theory and practices - Essay Example At the same time, values are affected by a number of internal and external factors that also affect the value creation process of organizations. Overall, it was summed that values are an integral part of leadership theories and practices. Leadership has been one of the highly talked and researched topics in the business and social environment. Throughout, the history of business management and social empowerment, leadership has played an important and crucial role in guiding and motivating people in the right direction along with accomplishing desired mutual goals and objectives. Change is often considered as inevitable and must occur in order to maintain the pace with current and future social and business changes in different environments (Hackman, Wageman, 2005). Throughout the history of mankind in terms of geographies, ethnicity and political boundaries; there have been a number of distinct differences among people in terms of values, thinking and perception. It was only after the 20th century that societies and people were learning from each other in terms of differences mainly because of the rise and advances in technologies and communication. However, in spite of all these, there has been a major clash in terms of values and perceptions when it comes to understanding each other and this has emerged as one of the most important concerns for business organsiations (House, 2004). This is where leadership has emerged as one of the most important tools in understanding people but at the same time leadership theories and practices are largely influenced and impacted by perceived values. The discussion aims to investigate the impact of values on leadership theories and practices. For this purpose, a number of leadership theories have been discussed in a critical manner in order to ascertain the overall impact and influence of perceived values. Values can be personal or perceived often affected by the internal and external environment and

Monday, October 28, 2019

A Critical Analysis on Wal-Marts Failure in Germany Essay Example for Free

A Critical Analysis on Wal-Marts Failure in Germany Essay After eight unprofitable years, Wal-Mart backed out of Germany in July 2006 and sold the entire retails outlets to Metro AG. After dominating the US market for quite a long time, Wal-Mart expanded its market to Germany in 1997. In 1997 Wal-Mart continued its strategy of globalization, and acquired two German retail chains for $1. 6 billion. After eight unprofitable years, Wal-Mart backed out of Germany in July 2006 and sold the entire retails outlets to Metro AG. The Essay examines why Wall-mart was a big failure in its international operations in Germany on a Cross-culture perspective. Inadaptability and ignorance f local culture can become a big problem in global business, even for a Corporate giant like Wal-Mart with proven success formulas. Being number one in the United States does not always guarantee for being number one elsewhere in the world. It is very important to understand the pulse of the local market and culture of the clients exactly and should make strategies accordingly and exactly that is where Wal-Mart went wrong in Germany. COMPANY PROFILE Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. s the largest retailer in the world, the worlds second-largest operates retail stores in various retailing formats in all 50 states in the United States. The Companys mass merchandising operations serve its customers primarily through the operation of three segments. The Wal-Mart Stores segment includes its discount stores, Supercenters, and Neighborhood Markets in the United States. The Sams club segment includes the warehouse membership clubs in the United States. The Companys subsidiar y, McLane Company, Inc. rovides products and distribution services to retail industry and institutional foodservice customers. Wal-Mart serves customers and members more than 200 million times per week at more than 8,416 retail units under 53 different banners in 15 countries. With fiscal year 2010 sales of $405 billion, Wal-Mart employs more than 2. 1 million associates worldwide. Nearly 75% of its stores are in the United States (Wal-Mart International Operations, 2004), but Wal-Mart is expanding internationally. The Group is engaged in the operations of retail stores located in all 50 states of the United States, Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Japan, Puerto Rico and the United Kingdom, Central America, Chile, Mexico,lndia and China Wal-Marts entry and operation in Germany Wal-Marts initial entry into German market was through the acquisitions of renowned 21 store Wertkauf chain for an estimated $1. 4 billion in December 1997. 1t was followed one year later by the acquisition of In-terspars 74 hypermarkets from Spar Handels AG, the German unit of the French Intermarch © Group , for ‚ ¬560 million. Thus Wal-Mart immediately became the countrys fourth biggest operator of hypermarkets. However, with a turnover of around ‚ ¬2. 9 billion, and a stagnating market share of Just 1. 1 per cent, the US giant still was a negligible one in the German retail market. Even worse, with estimated accumulated losses of more than ‚ ¬ 1 billion, it is literally drowning in red ink although, according to Wal-Mart Germanys CEO, Kay Hafner, its non food assortment, which accounts for around 50 per cent of its revenues, is profitable.. Instead of expanding its network of stores by 50 units by early 2001 , as originally planned, the company has been forced to close two big outlets, while at the same time it was only able to fully remodel three locations into its flagship Super center format. Due to its problems the company also had to lay off around 1. 000 staff. On July 2006,Wal-Mart announced its official defeat in Germany and would sell its 85 German stores to the rival supermarket chain Metro and would ook a pre-tax loss of about $1 billion (E536million) on the failed venture. A Critical Analysis of Reasons for Wal-Marts failure in Germany: There were several factors that contributed to Germanys unsuccessful business ride. Amazing management blunders have plagued Wal-Marts German operation from the very start.. Wal-Marts major mistakes on the German market may be summarized as follows. Cultural Insensitivity was the major reason of failure Entry to German market by acquisition strategy, Failure to deliver on its legendary every-day low prices and excellent service alue proposition. ? Bad Publicity about the company due to breaking of some prevailing German law In January 1997, Wal-Mart had first entry in Europe market with the acquisition of Wertkauf hypermarkets in Germany. Later in that year, Wal-Mart also acquired Interspar, another German hypermarket chain.. While its first move the 1997 takeover of the 21 Wertkaufstores was indeed a shrewd one, given that companys excellent earnings, its competitive locations, and its very capable management. Wal- Marts 1998 follow-updeal with Spar for 74 hypermarkets was widely Judged an ill- nformed, ill-advised act, for several reasons: Spar is considered to be the weakest player on the German market due to its mostly run-down stores, very heterogeneous in size and format, with the majority of them located in less well-off inner-city residential areas. Wal-Marts cultural insensitivity led to its failure in Germany. This Study focuses only on the flaws made by the Wal-Mart in its International operations in Germany from a Cross-cultural Managements perspective. Wal-Marts failure in Germany- A Case of cultural insensitivity: Most of the Global mergers and acquisitions failed to produce any benefit for the shareholders or educed value, which was mainly due to the lack of intercultural competence. Lack of sensitivity and understanding of language barriers, local traditions, consumer behavior, merchandising, and employment practices irreversibly damaged Wal-Marts image in Germany. One of the main reasons that failed Wal-Mart in Germany is when it attempted to transport the companys unique culture and retailing concept to the new country. The top management refused to even acknowledge the differences in customer behavior and culture in Germany when compared to its US customers, and the top management failed to listen to the feedback from its employees. Not every new cross- border retailer can be a retail giant outer its home. The mistake of exporting its culture wholesale, rather than adapting to local market, leads Wal-Mart failed in Germany market. Wal-Marts ambitions to position itself profitably in European markets through Germany have been hit badly by their inability to fully understand and to adapt to the specific conditions of doing business in other countries. This exposed their obvious lack of intercultural competence and management skills. The main challenge of post-merger integration is further complicated significantly if it is in a Cross- order Merger or acquisition, with all issues frequently being compounded by a lack of language and culture bridging skills. Failure to accomplish this task satisfactorily, results in mutual distrust, de-motivation and negatively impacts the merged companies competitiveness, profits and shareholder value. This is exactly what happened to Wal-Mart Germany. Following are the main two factors that Contributed to the Wal-Marts unsuccessful efforts in Germany: 1)Specific Difference in German Consumer behavior and Culture in comparison with US consumers: and impose an American boss on its German operations. Wal-Mart stores are esigned for customers who are willing to spend lot of time shopping. But in Germany, the shopping hours are shorter: Shops close by 5 PM on weekdays, and no shopping on Sundays. This meant that customers dont have the habit of spending lots of time in a store wandering around for the things they need. Coupled with this problem, German customers do not like to be assisted by Wal-Marts friendly store assistants. Germans prefer to do their own search for bargains. Instead of understanding and adjusting to the culture of its clients, Wal-Mart tried to impose their Culture on to the Customers, which never worked out. Germans like to see the advertised discount products upfront without having to ask the store assistant. This implies that the discount products must be placed at the eye level. Instead Wal-Mart chose to use its US style merchandise display strategy where premium priced products are kept at eye level and discount products are kept at higher shelf or in the bottom racks. This irritated the German shoppers. Wal-Mart also got its store inventory wrong, Wal-Mart stocked its store with clothes, hardware, electronics and other non-food products were given much bigger floor space than ood products, as a result more than 50% of the revenue was from non-food products. But other German retailers stock more of food products. For example for Metro, food products constitute more than 75% of the revenue. Germans prefer to bag groceries themselves into reusable carriers, or at least to pay a small fee for the avoidable sin of needing a plastic bag. Germans are introvert in nature and doesnt like display of emotion in public, as they always care for their private personal space. Employees, like the reserved customers, didnt care for Wal-Marts public displays of corporate moral such as the morning heer. The German Customers even didnt liked to be accompanied by the Cheerful employees either, as they would like to make choices by themselves. These are cultural misunderstandings as well, but one could say the cultural philosophy of Wal- Mart could not survive in the context of a German culture with a Happy Planet Index significantly higher than Americas 2)lnefficient Top Management which ignored the relevance of local Culture: It was clear that the cultural insensitivity of Wal-Mart started right at the top management. To begin with, it appointed four CEOs during its first four years of peration. The first head of German operations was Rob Tiarks ,an expat from the USA who did not understand Germany or its culture. He had previously supervised around 200 Supercenters in America. Not only did he not speak any German. Due to his unwillingness to learn the language ,English was soon decreed as the official company language at the management level. He also ignores the complexities and the legal framework of the German retail market, ignoring any strategic advice presented to him by former Wertkauf executives . This has resulted in the resignation nsuccessful in integrating German Outlets with the Wal-Marts Business model and culture. Suggestions and Recommendations: Cross-border, Cross-cultural business is a challenge even for the biggest companies. Companies have to be sensitive to the local cultures and tailor their offerings to local market. To localize their offerings, Wal-Mart and other Companies that are going global companies must carry out cultural assessment of the Citizens of the Country before acquisitions. All their Corporate Business and Communication strategies should be based on this cultural assessment. This will help companies measure the ffectiveness of its localization efforts and make adequate changes in local strategy ; tactics as and when required. Considering the following steps would help Wal-Mart or any other Company while they are on lookout of Global alliance or business. 1)Political, Social, Economic and Cultural Analysis of the Country Before expanding its business operations to a new country, the Company should understand the Political, Social, Economic and cultural aspects of the Country in depth. Wal-Marts case, Germany was selected primarily because of a central European location and economic attractiveness of the Wertkauf acquisition. But a serious research would have shown that Germany had strong national values resistant to change; possibly the most deeply rooted retail traditions in Western Europe. This could have avoided either Wal-Marts selection of the Country or the strategies it has adopted in Germany. 2)Go global and think they are local After conducting an in depth research about the prevailing trends in the customers Country, the Company should be ready to modify its own identity to suit itself to the cultural differences without compromising much on its Corporate Mission. This step will also force organizations to clearly define globalization goals. Wal-Mart put the company name on many German stores before being fully established. Immediately, the run down stores left an impression on consumers who formed a negative image of the Wal-Mart name. 3)Employment of Cross-cultural Management approaches like Hampden-Turner and Trompanaars Analysis: Employement of Hofsteds Culture Dimensions or HT;T Analysis will help Companies in understanding the minute cultural differences between the countries. For example, Communitarianism over Individualism Germans degree of communitarianism is on the higher side mainly because Germans prefer participating on a team. Most Germans see business as a group of related persons working together. But, most of Americans see their company as a set of difference in Cultural dimensions between the 2 countries has resulted in inside management conflict among the employees, which also resulted in resignation of efficient German executives from Wal-Mart post integration. Understanding the cultural dimensions of a Country through proven Cross-culture models will always help a company to formulate a specific approach that will encourage team spirit and joy among the Global Team. 4)Continuous Updation of Strategies to successfully ithstand the local competition It is very important for a Global firm to continuously analyse the impact of their various strategies on the local market. Understand the shortfalls, and modify it in such a way as to cater the local market in a much better way than the competitors. It is always better to scrutinize the strategies adopted by them with a panel of Local experts, as they will be having a better picture about the local consuming behavior and culture. Perceptions do matter a lot, So a surveys to find the customers perception about the company will also help them to change their trategies accordingly. Conclusion: Even though Wall-Mart was the Biggest of the companies, while going Global understanding the culture of customers, employees of the new Country is very critical for the success. The achievement in the U. S. market cannot always guarantee that Wal-Mart will also success in anywhere else. Companies need to understand the local culture in order to capitalize on the local market. The lessons learned from Wal- Marts experience in Germany, can be applied by other retailers who are planning to go global for expanding its market.. If the worlds largest retailer had taken the time o analyze the German mindset, it could have avoided a very painful lesson when Germans rejected Wal-Marts American-style which was highly successful in home country.