Thursday, December 26, 2019

Participating in team sports helps to develop good...

Do team sports really help to develop good character? Do you agree or not? Well, that seems to be an interesting question. A vast number of people will agree with this statement, while others have so many conflicts regarding about this. I believe that there are ways numbers of merits comparable to demerits. Participating means engaging or taking part in an activity. The word TEAM can be expressed to mean Together Everyone Achieves More. Character defines what a person is, how a person interacts with others. Even the good character involves courage, honesty, compassion, generosity, fidelity, fairness, self-control and prudence. Scholars define character as an individual’s internal state that manifests itself in one’s behavior.†¦show more content†¦That reveals that sports and games are really imperative for human body and health. Health is wealth and if a person loses health than that person surely will be left in mental work. As we know sound body has a sound mind. Furthermore team sports teach the value of responsibility. The punctuality must be maintained in practice and sports. Punctuality which requires time management to be present at a specific time. The people those who disagree believe that due to the participation of a team sports adults cannot get enough time to put afford on their studies and to do other vital tasks of life. As they have to give more Imperativeness toward the sports, and trying to be punctual to play sports will lead to irresponsibility’s for their studies. Means that there would be a higher probability to achieve a poor result. In addition to team sports develop interpersonal skills. They teach juveniles, adults and even old people, how to communicate with others. Team sports also teach conflict resolution skills. When two players having disagreed with a plan, causing an altercation. Eventually they have to work simultaneously to come to reconciliation that satisfies each other. The people those who c ontradict believe that being an individual is far better as that person do not have to argue with others. So, he or she can take their own notions to achieve the goal. Team sports help with teamwork, sportsmanship and creatingShow MoreRelatedThe Importance of Team sports in Child Development751 Words   |  3 Pagesalso want their kids to develop a good structural foundation of social skills and behavioral skills. What a better way for these parents children to develop these skills then putting them through team sports. The saying has always been that there is no I in team, and that is so an individual does not possess the need to care about oneself and puts his team ahead of himself. Team stands for, Together Everyone Achieves More. 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