Friday, January 3, 2020

The Baseball Player Alex Rodriguez - 903 Words

In 2014 the famous baseball player Alex Rodriguez was suspended for the season due to testing positive for using performance-enhancing drugs. The Yankees star continuously denied any allegations connecting him with the steroids but eventually claimed to be using products from a bio anti aging clinic in order to treat an injury. According to an article written by Allen St. John, â€Å"he has tested positive for both Primobolan and excess testosterone† (St. John, 2009). Eventually, Alex confessed to using steroids to avoid any more persecution and in hope that it might save how people viewed his career. Over the course of the situation Alex Rodriguez chose to handle the situation in a manner he deemed would conceal the truth from everyone. This in turn may cause a great deal of baseball fans to question his contribution to the sport as they further learn the details about his extensive use of steroids over the course of recent history. Student Insight Alex Rodriguez has faced a lengthy amount of criticism primarily due to the way the situation was handled. One of the ways he tried combatting the allegations was to deny it in front of the public and criticize the MLB for trying to portray him as cheater. According to a CNN article written by Ray Sanchez, â€Å"Rodriguez claims he was the target of an MLB witch hunt† (Sanchez, 2014). He consistently stood by this position making him look like a victim of career sabotage. This was a poor way of dealing with the allegations because once heShow MoreRelatedEssay on Famous Baseball Players: Alex Rodriguez1022 Words   |  5 PagesFurthermore Alex Rodriguez is another example that shows why credibility is an important quality and how cheating affects it. Alex Rodriguez was born on July 27, 1975 in New York City. 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