Thursday, December 26, 2019

Participating in team sports helps to develop good...

Do team sports really help to develop good character? Do you agree or not? Well, that seems to be an interesting question. A vast number of people will agree with this statement, while others have so many conflicts regarding about this. I believe that there are ways numbers of merits comparable to demerits. Participating means engaging or taking part in an activity. The word TEAM can be expressed to mean Together Everyone Achieves More. Character defines what a person is, how a person interacts with others. Even the good character involves courage, honesty, compassion, generosity, fidelity, fairness, self-control and prudence. Scholars define character as an individual’s internal state that manifests itself in one’s behavior.†¦show more content†¦That reveals that sports and games are really imperative for human body and health. Health is wealth and if a person loses health than that person surely will be left in mental work. As we know sound body has a sound mind. Furthermore team sports teach the value of responsibility. The punctuality must be maintained in practice and sports. Punctuality which requires time management to be present at a specific time. The people those who disagree believe that due to the participation of a team sports adults cannot get enough time to put afford on their studies and to do other vital tasks of life. As they have to give more Imperativeness toward the sports, and trying to be punctual to play sports will lead to irresponsibility’s for their studies. Means that there would be a higher probability to achieve a poor result. In addition to team sports develop interpersonal skills. They teach juveniles, adults and even old people, how to communicate with others. Team sports also teach conflict resolution skills. When two players having disagreed with a plan, causing an altercation. Eventually they have to work simultaneously to come to reconciliation that satisfies each other. The people those who c ontradict believe that being an individual is far better as that person do not have to argue with others. So, he or she can take their own notions to achieve the goal. Team sports help with teamwork, sportsmanship and creatingShow MoreRelatedThe Importance of Team sports in Child Development751 Words   |  3 Pagesalso want their kids to develop a good structural foundation of social skills and behavioral skills. What a better way for these parents children to develop these skills then putting them through team sports. The saying has always been that there is no I in team, and that is so an individual does not possess the need to care about oneself and puts his team ahead of himself. Team stands for, Together Everyone Achieves More. 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Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Depression Essay - 1202 Words

One of the most common mental disorders in the world today affecting up to 340 million people worldwide is depression. Imagine the entire student body of Upper Darby High School infected with the exact same disease. Depression is a common but complex disorder diversely affecting a variety of people with a multitude of symptoms. The disorder may be brought into affect due to a large number of causes. What can be done? There are numerous manners in which to treat this disorder spanning from medication to counseling to support groups. Although depression is one of the most treatable mental illnesses in the world, only about one half of all cases of depression are diagnosed and successfully treated. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The most†¦show more content†¦nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Other causes of depression may be based on external factors. Magazines or TV shows have often portrayed an image of â€Å"perfect† people such as slender women or strong brave men. Excessive amounts of what society believes to be â€Å"cool† can lead to low self esteem for those who do not fit the profile (Koltsov 2). Other external triggers include a fear of failure, separation from family, death of a parent or lover, divorce, or a life altering illness. It is also important to know that in some cases depression can strike for no obvious reason ( 2). nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Depression is often viewed as a predominantly female affliction. This may be because the condition is most likely overlooked and misunderstood with respect to men. Men often deal with the disorder by self-medication, isolation or lashing out. They self-medicate themselves by drinking heavily, drug abuse, womanizing or watching excessive amounts of television ( 1). It was once believed that women were more prone to depression than men. Nowadays it is thought that women are more likely to seek help for this disorder, therefore having their depression recorded ( nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;More women suffer from unipolar depression than men ( 1). Women experience several biological changes in their lives: hormonal changes every month,Show MoreRelatedDepression : Depression And Depression927 Words   |  4 Pagesthe word Depression. Now that I am older I know not to use that term so loosely because depression is a disorder that is very serious. According to the Mayo Clinic Depression, also known as major depressive disorder is a mood disorder that causes a feeling of sadness and a loss of interest. Depression can cause physical problems because it affects how you think along with how you act. For example, you may not want to do activities that you normally would, due to this disorder. Depression does notRead MoreMy Depression And Depression : Causes Of Depression1080 Words   |  5 Pages Days in Depression When my classmates glance at me walking up the stairs next to them, I know their first impression is not the truth; at least not the whole truth. They may think, â€Å"she’s lucky she can get up early enough to go grab that venti coffee she has† or â€Å"she must have 8ams considering the pajamas she is still wearing,† but I would bet they never think â€Å"that girl looks like she suffers from severe depression.† My name is Amanda Rieper. I am 19 years old, and I do, in fact, suffer fromRead MoreDepression And Sadness Of Depression1423 Words   |  6 PagesTaylor Neighbors Winters English 1301.91 11 November 2015 Depression and Sadness Imagine you are in the middle of a monumental ocean surrounded by heavy, crashing waves. (TS) The sky is black, and the water is cold. Suddenly, the current pulls you under and you forget how to swim. You are desperately gasping for air, fighting the current, but you continue to sink uncontrollably. You scream and with every ounce of the little breath left in your lungs, but nobody hears you; nobody saves you. Your bodyRead MoreDepression And Its Effects On Depression1490 Words   |  6 PagesIn popular culture depression has become a thing that is seemingly almost sought after. A lot of youth use depression to have an edge or some kind of thing that makes them different. I feel like this ideology invalidates people with real mental illness and diagnosed depression. I say this but have also fallen victim to this aesthetic or aura that a lot of people portray. Although hard to define, depression can basically be summed up to be the lack of hope or courage pertaining to your life. It causesRead MoreDepression And Depression In Wurtzel931 Words   |  4 Pagesher life while dealing with depression and its symptoms. Having depression at a young age had affected her whole life and has made it difficult to act normal. Wurtzel expresses her sadness and copes in destructive ways such as cutting and doing drugs. The book goes on a journey of her life and the issues she goes through, meeting people, and dealing with additional problems. The novel’s main conflict is battling with depression and the urges of dealing with depression. I believe young readers wouldRead MoreDepression And Its Effects On Adolescent Depression1290 Words   |  6 PagesDepression is an issue facing a large amount of people today. It has becoming increasingly known that a lot of depression begins to start in the adolescent years for many individuals. The social work profession is critical in helping this adolescent depression not lead to further depression in adulthood. To understand adolescent depression and what is needed to help people suffering from it, we need to further understand the prevalence of adolescent depression, the effects it has on teens sociallyRead MoreDepression1008 Words   |  5 PagesDepression Teresa Collick HCA/250 April 24, 2016 Depression has always been a major health issue going back for many years. Initially being called â€Å"melancholia† it appeared in the texts of the Mesopotamians in the second millennium. It was then thought of a demonic presence that required a priest to be in attendance. The understanding was that depression wasn’t considered a physical issue but a spiritual or mental illness. The BabylonianRead MoreThe Effects Of Depression And Its Effects On Depression1642 Words   |  7 Pages Depression, 2 Every single day, across the entire world, people are diagnosed with clinical depression. I think a lot of people tend to see depression as a excuse/reasoning for something they ve done. In reality, there have been many discussions done and research studies completed on depression to see whether or not it is genetically passed down or learned through experiences/influences. I think it is safe to say that both genetic and environmental factors play a role in depression. InRead MoreA Brief Note On Depression And The Depression2842 Words   |  12 Pages Robyn Lawhorn July 11, 2015 Psychology 100 Mrs. Fischer Hours Worked: 22 Major depression, also known as unipolar depression, is one of the most common mental illnesses. Over nine million adults each year suffer from depression. Many people don’t understand what depression really is, including myself until I did a lot of research over this subject. Major depression is more than a temporary state of being sad. It is a persistent state that can significantly impair an individual’s thoughtsRead MoreDepression Essay : The Causes And Effects Of Youth Depression1566 Words   |  7 PagesCauses and Effects of Youth Depression Most individuals spend a short downcasted period in their lives, but some individuals experience an extended period of dejection. This may be the cause of depression. Depression is a mental disorder that feeds on the negative self-evaluation of an individual. Eventually the individual is blinded of any positivity in their life by the overwhelming pessimistic views of a situation, continuing the cycle. Awareness of adult depression is substantial, but unprogressive

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Arts Rationale Paper Essay Example For Students

Arts Rationale Paper Essay Integrating arts into the curriculum will be our ticket to getting all of these things accomplished, Right now, we have art class isolated as a separate subject. Although I do understand that we should be thankful that the district hasnt cut our arts program, we should be taking advantage of this by trying to use the arts as a process to connect teaching subjects in the classroom, Teaching through the arts not only supports a positive learning environment, but it will address student-centered learning and will impact the diverse learning needs of each student. Ill explain and eve examples of significant instructional strategies that are based on practicing integrating the arts along with culturally responsive pedagogy. I will also discuss how students learning styles and multiple perspectives are encouraged. Lastly, I will show evidence of academic and cognitive outcomes of a lesson have taught using the arts and how the instruction was linked to state standards. My new knowledge and understanding Of integrating the arts and multiple intelligence approaches to classroom learning impact my every day teaching and has enabled me to take my teaching too higher level. As Ive read in the book, Multiple Intelligences in the Classroom by Thomas Armstrong (2009): Multiple Intelligence theory makes its greatest contribution to education by suggesting that teachers need to expand their repertoire of techniques, tools, and strategies beyond the typical linguistic and logical ones predominantly used in American classrooms. MI theory provides a broad range of stimulating curricula to awaken the slumbering brains that Goodling fears populate our nations schools. P. 54-55) Slumbering brains is a great description of students in an every day classroom in America. The teacher stands in the front of the room and talks at the students almost all day. There is hardly any learning going on. These students brains are just being filled with information instead of their passion being ignited! Then, the practice that the teachers are giving to the students that supposedly supports the lesson is a worksheet out of a workbook. Armstrong (2009) believes that, The federal governments No Child Left Behind law has created a climate in which standardized tests, and standardized methods to prepare for them, have overwhelmed the landscape in schools across the United States (p. 5). Most schools are now so worried about standardized tests that they hue begun to teach to the test. They have begun to steer their direction of teaching students from becoming educated, successful, creative and competitive community members to just good test-takers. At what cost is this? In my opinion, we are dumping down our kids and not allowing their creativity to blossom and take shape. Studies show that our actual peak of creativity happens in fifth grade. In fifth grade! We really need to take this into account as we start to plan for the upcoming year. We need to think about what we really want for our students and who we want them to become. Creating a sate environment in which students can freely experiment their passions through their MI and the arts along with connecting it to key standards in the curriculum is key for our students to be successful. It shouldnt just be connected, though; it should be embedded throughout the curriculum so that students are getting every chance possible to receive the best education and learn the curriculum in every way. Students learning styles and multiple perspectives should be encouraged, not discouraged, in the classroom. As educators, we do this by gearing our lessons more towards MI and the arts and using strategies that will significantly help take our students learning to a new level. The first step is to recognize the learning styles and multiple intelligences in our classrooms at the beginning of the year. It would be best to even teach it as a lesson for the kids to understand and to give examples Of famous individuals who show signs of having one predominant MI. How empowering for the kids to know how they learn best and to make connections With Ray Charles knowing his struggles? As you know, most lessons follow this process: Introduce the lesson, give a lecture, maybe students pair share, then an independent worksheet for the assessment. An integrated arts and MI lesson will focus on teaching through strategies using poetry, music, dance, theatre, visual arts and even storytelling to solidify the concepts and standards, It will also incorporate movement, logical and mathematical thinking, tactile materials and experiences, hands-on activities, interpersonal interaction, visual thinking and much more, One of my readings in Integrating the Arts by Merry Goldberg (2006), states that using the arts as way to teach subject matter places the learner in the position of truly working with ideas and taking control of learning in a manner that is at once intellectual, personal, meaningful, and powerful (p,S), recently taught an integrated arts unit on Cesar Shaved called Coming Together. Instead of the normal lesson have done in the past, used my new knowledge about integrating the arts and shifted my approach Students attitudes, behavior, and motivation drastically changed for the better. I was astounded at how differently my students took to the lesson and how much ore interested in learning about Cesar Shaved they were than in the past. The art strategies that were used helped the kids not only cooperate With each other, but they were motivated to participate in the lesson. Seed movement and music to pair up students With puzzle-piece word cards; the words Of Which they came up with after brainstorming about Cesar Shaved on the first day, Word Recognition 1. 1. Students had to then completely color the back Of the word card while music was playing to show how that word made them feel. Using different types of coloring materials. After that, piece-by-piece, the students, as a class, UT all of the word cards together in a way that connected them, We were also learning correct ways to use reference books, CA Standard Writing Strategies 1. 7. I integrated using a thesaurus to find the synonym of their puzzle-piece word. Then the student hanged small index cards with the synonym hanging from the piece. We now have a beautiful art piece that not only they are proud tot but that also has a purpose. Thenile EssayShe explains how the arts and writing are deeply connected and play an important part in cultural awareness in the classroom. At her school, she uses autobiographical writing, journaling and publishing in her writing program to enhance students learning. Berries states, autobiographical writing is key to the positive cultural identity formation Of children Who have been inhibited by negative immigration experiences or by Throughout their day, she has woven in time for writing in many forms. Each morning, every student freely writes how he or she feels as soon as they get into the classroom. It mess like a good transition from their horn life to more structured school life. In these journals, the children are allowed to write in any form to express their feelings. A few of her students even write poetry to release thoughts onto paper. Cultural awareness is not only important for the students but mostly for the teacher. In an interesting letter to his sons teacher, Robert Lake expressed his deepest concerns about her recent label of his child, She had labeled him as a slow learner at the age tot. He was astounded and began explaining that his son went beyond his years and beyond the basics of school curriculum. Lake explained to the teacher that his son had practiced in rituals and healing ceremonies held by medicine men and women, He had experienced sweat- lodge-rituals and exposed to different religions and religious practices. Just because his son wasnt learning at the same capacity as another student that just came from preschool didnt mean that he was an empty glass coming in to be filled, but actually a full basket coming into a different environment and society with something special to share (Lake, 1990, p. 3). As you can see, Mr.. Scott, being culturally aware and having a culturally expensive classroom is imperative in creating a safe environment in which students can learn and grow as individuals and positive influences in society. Integrating the arts is a gateway in doing this. Truly using every art form to help deliver the curriculum in a successful way Will only heighten our standards and expectations of future generations. It will also positively impact the needs of our student population. Right now, our students are struggling and wanting something more. They are ready to explore and take their learning into their own hands. They are ready for us to supply them With the vehicle they need to evolve skills and inspire them to learn. So what are we waiting for, Mr.. Scott? We have the opportunity to be and see the change that has needed to occur a long time ago. We, as humans, are prone to express ourselves. Its our nature to want to sing, dance, act, draw, and tell stories. Outside of school the first thing we do is an activity that has to do with the arts; go to the movies, attend a play or ballet, or enjoy a museum. We should use what we know and resources that are everywhere to connect our students interests, their culture to what they are learning in school. Mr.. Scott, please allow me to begin to integrate arts into our whole fourth grade curriculum, My goal is to help other teachers across grade levels to integrate a culturally responsive arts integrated curriculum. We can meet with outside agencies to connect family and community members to help support this and become as school, what you have envisioned! It will take effort from all teachers, but as we come to an end to this year, this will be a great time to discuss our vision for the next year and years to come.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Love Song Explication Essay Research Paper The free essay sample

Love Song Explication Essay, Research Paper The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock Lines 37-52 In this stanza the adult male regrets some of the determinations that he has made in his life. The adult male feels that if he allows himself to reflect upon his yesteryear he will hold to cover with the emotions and effects of a life of hapless determinations. He inquiries if there is a opportunity to turn back the custodies of clip to, hopefully, conveying an chance for alteration in his life, Do I make bold? and, Do I make bold ( Line 38 ) . His physical ripening embarrasses him, With a bald topographic point in the center of my hair ( 39 ) . He is really down because he is worried about what other people will comprehend of him. My forenoon coat, my neckband mounted steadfastly to my mentum, this shows how he is seeking to conceal the grounds of physical ripening by covering it up with vesture ( 42 ) . We will write a custom essay sample on Love Song Explication Essay Research Paper The or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page This is another mark that he is down. He is trusting that with a necktie rich and modest he will look solid, but will non be noticed for being richly dressed ( 43 ) . He hopes that his colourful piece of vesture will deflect others from his thin weaponries and legs, His weaponries and legs are thin ( 44 ) . Once once more he is concerned with how people perceive him. He uses imagination to depict how he looks, he is seeking to look solid and righteous but in world he is sad and glooming. Bing thin brings up the subject of poorness, physical famishment, or possibly even the famishment of a life that was wasted by hapless judgement. These mentions to aging reveals this adult male s feelings of weakness that increases as the verse form continues on and he continues to experience regret about his life. There is the repeat of the phrase Do I dare in which he ponders the inquiry is it worth all of the problem to be concerned with all of his physical features that God so deliberately gave him ( 45 ) . These ideas of which he inquiries his visual aspect sets the tone to be of desperation and despair. He severely wants to alter his life s history. The inquiry of whether he should or should non upset the perfect harmoniousness of nature, Do I dare/Disturb the existence? ( 45-46 ) , brings up his desire to hold a minute to turn back clip and do different picks. In a minute there is clip, this exaggeration describes how he feels that in merely one minute he could alter his life everlastingly ( 47 ) . There is paradox with the phrase determinations and alterations these two are contradictory emotions, but no affair how difficult they work together this one m inute that he desires it could change by reversal them and alter his life everlastingly. The adult male knows now everything that he should hold done. Every twenty-four hours it was clear to him that determinations he made were non the best, Have known the eventides, forenoons, and afternoons. ( 50 ) . He blatantly understates the value of his life, I have measured my life out in java spoons ( 51 ) . He feels that he has merely let his life waste off, he has no great accomplishment to be proud of, nil to look back on and smiling. Measuring out his life in java he signifies that he feels that his life was limited to a certain sum. In the last line he realizes that it is hopeless to believe Do I dare, there is no opportunity that he will acquire a opportunity to turn back clip and alter some of his determinations. For him revisiting the yesteryear has become excessively painful. He now knows that the harm has been done and there is nil to make but wait and see what else happens. This a dult male realizes that his picks were non the best, but in the terminal his hope for revising these hapless determinations no longer exists. Life is a concatenation of determinations, the picks that you make along the manner act upon your life after decease. The enunciation of this verse form is both formal and informal. Phrases like, my neckband mounted steadfastly to my mentum ( 44 ) are more formal while phrases like, I have measured my life out in java spoons ( 51 ) are more informal. The beat of this stanza is chiefly poetic. It rhymes most of the words that end each line, but it does non rime any of the daring this makes these phrases stand out. It stresses the fact that this adult male inquiries should he even be believing of his yesteryear and conveying up this hurting. The rhyming of lines 41 through 44 brings out the more poetic side and makes these parts flow a batch drum sander. But in the following three lines at that place is non any rimes and they stand out and non flux swimmingly. The rhyming of daring ( 38 ) , step ( 39 ) , and hair ( 40 ) sets a temper of desperation. While the rhyming of thin ( 41 ) , chin ( 42 ) , and pin ( 43 ) sets a temper of despair. There is besides the repeat of the words known them all ( 49 ) a nd deceasing ( 52 ) which helps put the beat at the terminal. With these lines non read as swimmingly draws the reader s attending more to this country. In the parts that do non rime there is an accent on words that begin with D, this could be evading towards decease and how he regrets that nil good came from his life. In line 48 there is the repeat of the ions sounds and the rhenium sounds.