Friday, October 4, 2019

Chapter 6- selection employee Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Chapter 6- selection employee - Assignment Example Issuing application forms, this helps one to know the qualifications of the applicant using documentation, the put in information about their past and present job experiences, their personal information like age, addresses, likes, and marital status. The application forms can also be used as evidence incase documentation is needed. Most employers use application forms during interviews as basis questions such as the former employees and working experience. I would also recommend that the dean employ the use of interviews in the process of finding a good candidate for the post of Human Resource professor, this would be very effective if he followed the right procedure in the interview. Using the candidate’s application form during the interview would be very effective in clarification on some pieces of information that one may not get right. Interview is also effective in getting information about the applicant; this is the information that was not contained in the application form. There is also the possibility of using ability tests on the applicants, these kind of tests are use to determine the applicants abilities and skills in certain fields, this is very effective since it helps to know some added information about the applicant. This might some co-curricular skill that they may possess, these tests can be issued inform of pencil and paper tests or job tests, those that may include more of physical input. However, this depends on certain factors, for example, in the case of a human resource officer, and one applicant is elderly and obviously not as strong as their young and energetic counterpart, I would not advice the dean to employ the use of job tests that require so much physical input since it may favor one of the applicants. The pass mark in this type of job application can be lowered or heightened depending on the number of applicants and their scores. One should be very careful when giving out this kind of job application method; it is advis able that they have very clear skills of judgment, in the case of a HR professor; the applicant should have exemplary socialization skills, speech, listening, conflict resolution, and mediation. These would be an added advantage in the job. In this case, I would advise the dean to employ the use of pencil and paper test, or in the case of job tests, I would ask them to solve different types of disputes among the students and judge who is the most effective in it. For the post, I would recommend an applicant who is joyful and does not drug their personal problems to work since it may alter with their work, especially because it involves constant interaction with people. Temperamental people would not be recommended for this job. As much as the use of interview is recommended in job applications so that the employer should have good personal exchange with the candidate, it has its shortcomings, these shortcoming s mainly come with the interviewer. The interviews in most cases lack sub jects and structure, such shortcomings may bring about mistakes such as difference in the questions asked to the applicants which may then cause rate error, whereby it is hard to weigh the amount of marks one should offer on certain questions, and since the questions were different to every employer, it may cause biasness. It may also be different to come up with the most appropriate person for the job since most of the interviewers have different opinions about the performance of the candidate. Some people tend to like certain

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