Saturday, October 19, 2019

Short articles about sex, gender and society Essay - 1

Short articles about sex, gender and society - Essay Example Her decision to be a boy was met with chastisement, as are transgender people (etc.), because they defy the norm of two genders, male and female. In the article about being fat and then losing the weight, she experienced a radically different social sentiment about her. She was labeled as fat, which has stereotypical implications in which society sees the fat individual as, perhaps, stupid and socially irrelevant. When she became thin, people began to praise her, believe in her health-consciousness, and talk about being fat in a negative connotation as though she had evolved and was now smart enough to avoid gaining excessive weight again. None saw the real person, just a label of fat that carried negative social opinion, not allowing society to see the authentic nature of her personality and character. She suddenly found social belonging after losing weight, which again speaks toward society’s prejudices that attempt to define how a person should be categorized within a broader societal context. While in â€Å"Fifty Shades of Gay†, the speaker states that she fits in a gray area, being attracted to both men and women, how society views her is complicated. She had to learn to reject some of this social sentiment to become familiarized with her true self, one that does not fit the stereotypical norms of gender and sexuality. She learned who she truly is: An individual that defies such norms and has learned to find peace and comfort with her own decision-making that is relevant for her own needs and desires. I think that someone knows who they are when they are willing to be somewhat non-conformist to society’s expectations. By getting in touch with what mechanisms drive their sexuality (as one example), they can be confident and satisfied even though the world does not recognize their social significance. The individual discussing her weight loss had a

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